US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Nothing to do with the discredited Bradley effect, polling is simply misleading and has been for some time. The reality is the demographic that pollsters reach are not a representative sample of voters. Do you think for example that CNN polls are representative of a cross section of voters, or maybe people who watch CNN?

High powered lasers :sweat_smile:

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The u.s version of the pictures of pints thread


How much do you know about lasers? Iā€™m betting nothing.

The main thing I canā€™t understand about you is that you almost always argue in favour of trump on the issues he gets criticised about and also rubbish the polls that say heā€™s doing badly and articles that say heā€™s losing support. On the other hand you say you are a democratic voter who wonā€™t vote for him and confidently predict hell lose the election.

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You went THERE? :astonished:

Thatā€™s simply your misreading. I think Democrats are very foolish to write off Trump regardless of how badly he may be polling. He was written off in 2015 when he ran for the nomination and he destroyed the Republican field. Written off in 2016 and he won all the swing states Obama won.

Iā€™m a moderate Democrat, not a lefty loon.


Iā€™m off to sleep now I just thought Iā€™d throw it into the mix. I doubt anyone else has ever noticed it before :eyes::blush:


CNN has Biden up 15 points. The only poll that matters is on Election Day, and specifically the turnout in the swing states. Barring a disaster set of debates from Biden, he should win handily but a lot can happen in the next few months.

Indeed. Hence why Trump is provoking violence. We appear to have come full circle here

Is he providing the high powered lasers?

No. Itā€™s the old biddies wearing the yellow T shirts threatening the nations security apparo

These dopes burning down buildings in Portland for two months solid with the mayor essentially appeasing them like a coward and Trump sends in some feds to try and actually you know do the main job of a government, that is to provide law and order, and youā€™ve the usual suspects doing mental somersaults saying heā€™s ā€˜inflamingā€™ the situation.

The denial of reality is hopeless, thereā€™s numerous clips online of these nightly riots and burning down gov and public buildings. The Che Guevara tshirt brigade playing army with the usual goms lapping it upā€¦ but but but Trump. Sad!

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Jayses this Lewis lad is doing a whistle stop tour similar to George Floyd. He might be still be around for Thanksgiving the way itā€™s going.

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He either doesnā€™t want to get elected (possible) or has a stroke lined up (probable)

Trump wants to make sure everything is above board
Democracy at work

Heā€™s hammering it hard at this press conference now, will be the most rigged election in history, we have lawsuits going all over. The big child called it all of a shot because Obama was live on the telly giving a eulogy at Joe Lewis funeral.

Joe Lewis is dead since 1981 mate.