US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Obama does have a tendency to waffle on a fair bit


Piles has had TDS since Nov 2016, to the extent he’s talking about Joe Lewis. Fassinating.

Apologies, I meant John Lewis of course.
And you meant Joe Louis.


You come at the King, you best not miss.

That was a great eulogy.

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The oldest truism in politics, once you start going after the moms you are toast

The full HBO interview. It’s remarkable stuff. The interviewers face throughout is a picture.
The closing question about John Lewis is incredible. A softball question that he could answer easily and sound just a little bit presidential but fuck that noise :rofl:

Were you very upset? :worried:

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He had the hump cos a black man didn’t bother to turn up to the inauguration of a racist president and couldn’t even pretend to let it go even after his death.

Aaah you’re a good lad. :worried:

You a racist yourself buddy? You’ll fit in well here. Welcome by the way.

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There’s a good lad.

Upset? It was hilarious.

That is incredible in many way, year totally credible in all the same ways.

What manuals? What books?


He is so stupid it is unbelievable. What an interview :smiley:

What’s even more terrifying is that there are people on the left over there who are just as if not even more stupid than he is

Yeah possible but they won’t be president.

Not this time but it ain’t beyond the bounds of possibility that it could happen next time round

It is.

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Why would you say that. Theres just as many head bangers on the left over there as there is on the right