US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

I thought it was remarkably restrained and professional last night. Debates #2 and 3 might be tasty though.

Joe was restrained ā€” the other fella (and i dont give a fuck about him one way or the other) was petty, nasty and childish - but thatā€™s his MO - we know this. The alarming thing is that itā€™s not only tolerated, but almost encouraged. He had free reign to disrupt the whole debate. And more alarmingly, for America at least, is that heā€™ll go a long way to getting back inā€¦ but when you stop to think about how awful politics and politicians are, heā€™s no worse than any of them I suppose ā€” the rest just watch their Ps and Qs in public, he doesnt have that filter.

Iā€™ll just leave this hereā€¦ America can burn because itā€™s a shithole inhabited by morons.


Ireland is inhabited by many morons also - Can Ireland burn?

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No, our morons are harmless. Those simpletons are racists pigs.

our equivalent is a lad in a Man United replica jersey holding an anti British sign made with cardboard and black marker

Racism is rife in Ireland ---- thereā€™s nearly 400m Americanā€™s - youā€™ve thrown up a clip thatā€™s edited to show a few stereotypes to suit a narrativeā€¦ Most Americanā€™s are decent folk. Lots of American policy is fucked up and creates a lot of wrongs in American society but that doesnt mean the whole country is full of idiots.

Like it or lump it, the world needs a strong America ā€¦ half our jobs here are from American MNs. Our obesity levels are up there with America. Our young, like @glasagusban and @Turenne, think they are African American. We let their troops land here on their way to bombing the poor in the Middle East. ā€¦ Weā€™re effectively an American statelet so save your sniggering for another topic ā€” weā€™ve taken the America soup and itā€™s filled with cheeseburgers.


We wouldnā€™t have a pot to piss in if it wasnā€™t for America


There are no racists in Ireland of course.


He is some WUM in fairness.

I may have to address my thinking based on this revelation.

Lance is a WUM. Trump is at best extremely reckless and dangerous.

Thereā€™s 2 more of these fucking things? This is only a cod.

@Rocko can you give Blue his long overdue ban? He is spamming like a cunt here today.



Joe doesnā€™t have the level of enthusiasm needed to bring out the vote required in the key swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Arizona. Joeā€™s performance last night will not have helped him.

The Republicans will bring out their vote and they have a 95% approval rating for their President


Exactly, even if say 10% of Americans are idiots, thatā€™s only 40 million people

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Thank God @sidney remembered that he created this other fake account. The election wouldnā€™t be fun without him.


This was a good video, fairly instructive, but the interviewer just showed everything that is wrong with the liberals. Heā€™s a smarmy arrogant cunt.

The guy at the start blaming Obama for doing nothing during 9/11 is a very sad case.

The most astonishing thing about this debate came at the end when the moderator asked both:

*Will you urge your supporters to stay calm during this extended period and not to engage in any civil unrest. *
Will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independenly certified?

Astonishing that firstly in an American presidential election the question was asked and secondly that Trump wouldnā€™t give that guarantee.

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