US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Trump: your son got 3.5 million from Moscow etc?
Biden: Iā€™m proud of my son, a patriot who won a a medal of honour in deku deku stan
Trump: Hunter??!!
Biden: No, Beau.
Trump: I donā€™t know Beau.

BBC: During the debate trump attacked Bidenā€™s sons, one of whom died of cancer.

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Thereā€™s a lot Trump doesnā€™t know. Heā€™s now claiming he doesnā€™t know who The Proud Boys are!

Ah ffs. Sure if he knew what yer man was on about he never would have given such a stupid answer.
Biden certainly knew trump was talking about hunter and not beau.

How can you not know Beau

I reckon Biden intended to shoehorn Beau in somewhere to attack Trump on his describing the dead & captured as losers. But are you saying you believe that Trump is ignorant of the Proud Boys? Heā€™s the President of America, heā€™s in Washington capitalising on the mayhem in American cities. Iā€™m a nobody in a wee corner of Norn Iron. He hasnā€™t heard of the Proud Boys but I have? Unlikely.

I didnā€™t say he hadnā€™t heard of themā€¦thatā€™s possibly
another blithe lie from a politician ā€¦but I dont think thatā€™s the question that was asked during the debate. My point was about the ridiculous reporting from the beeb

I would regard myself as reasonably up to speed on US affairs, and I can honestly say I had heard of Proud Boys but had no idea who the fuck they are or what they stood for. On investigation, they are a pretty obscure small far right fundamentalist group with no more than a few hundred active members, just like several other similar groups like Patriot Prayer.

Like Antifa, and the violent elements within BLM, they all need to get the fuck off the streets, and the media need to stop making excuses for them and/or defending them.

Any truth the the story of Bidenā€™s son getting a few million quid off the mayor in Moscow?

You could read it whatever way you want

Iā€™d say if itā€™s gonna be confirmed, itā€™s gonna be on TFK

What did he not get the 3.5m for, exactly??

Not consulting, a small step up from consulting.


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Fair play to hunter. Must be hard for a former drug addict to get a consultancy job paying that kind of money.

Are all company records not kept on public file. Like who owns it, shareholders and the likes! This struck me as a very peculiar line in that piece. I know shag all about company law though.

ā€œWithout the ownership documents of Rosemont Seneca Thornton ā€” which are not public ā€” we simply canā€™t know.ā€

Iā€™d imagine a company setup to facilitate bribes is deliberately opaque or offshore or private etc


What it exposes is the utter corruption in Washington, members of both parties, their immediate families and assorted hangers on. There are very few non multi millionaires in US politics, and very little of their money was made doing anything ethical or useful.

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Lets just say the Bidens arenā€™t the only family involved in this election who are on the payroll

Thatā€™s not how it happened if I recall correctly. Trump was constantly on about hunter, ironic since himself and his family are surely corrupt cunts too but Biden didnā€™t really take him on on this. On this occasion though Biden was on the attack using trumps loser sucker comments and it was Biden who brought up beau in relation to that.
I think trump is the biggest cunt in the world but I thought he won the debate. It was the first time I watched a full debate of his and heā€™s impressive enough the cunt. Biden could attack him much more surely. He comes across as a decent man but Iā€™d say hell be a hopeless president. Heā€™s only barely keeping it between the ditches.

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