US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

The beeb were showing a highlights reel from the debate yesterday morning and edited out Biden telling Trump to shut up.

I guess itā€™s a matter of opinion but I thought that Trumpā€™s performance appealed to the boorish, intolerant voters his behaviour encourages.

Thereā€™s a word in the English language that Iā€™m sure must have been deployed about him before -

Trumpery which derives from a French word meaning ā€œto deceive,ā€ is defined in the dictionary as ā€œshowy but worthless.ā€


Are you for real? He was like a little child throughout the whole thing.

That wasnā€™t a Debate. It was a reality tv shitshow.

Trump doesnā€™t draw down his presidential salary, itā€™s donated.


Neither does leo. He donates it to meehawl

It probably shows how low my expectations were. I actually thought a few of his arguments made sense and while Iā€™ve no idea if theyā€™re true or not Biden did nothing to counter them. For example him filling all the judges positions that Obama left open and the fact he shut down travel during covid while Biden criticised him for it at the time. I despise trump and everything he stands for but after watching the debate Iā€™ve a bit more respect for him at least.

Yeah, Obama just left them open, never nominated anybody. Had he done so Iā€™m sure McConnell and the other senate republicans would have waved them through without any objections whatsoever.
Maybe Iā€™m wrong, letā€™s wait for our man otg&itk to give us the non fake news skinny.
Although yesterday he said he regards himself as only reasonably up to speed so Iā€™m not sure what to think any more.
In summary: republican majorities do as you would expect.

Not sure if serious :thinking:

Biden comes across as a lying, creepy, hair-sniffing, pedo, piece of shit, if Iā€™m being brutally honest.

Did I miss this, has there been allegations?

This is the proof:

Here are some other good memes I found on @ironmoth 's facebook page:

conspiracy theorist

Where is Paul Ryan these days?

Heā€™s called Creepy Joe Biden for a reason.

This type of post is beneath you. You are a better poster when you stick to mildly interesting topics like ā€œknocked up abroadā€, ā€œdaddy doesnā€™t love meā€, etc.

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The fact that Americans actually argue over which of those two sad cunts is good enough to lead their country is mildly depressing in itself.

Itā€™s gas.

Are the Democrats actually Left leaning at all? No Iā€™d imagine but Trump has ramped up a pretty vindictive Right v Left argument ( it seems a fair tool heā€™s using as itā€™s clearly working ) and the general public are eating it up.

I canā€™t believe through all the shit that there is not a real 3rd option Politically.

Thatā€™s not good enough for him though. He needs to appeal to voters beyond his immediate core vase and thatā€™s where he might struggle with that carry on.

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