US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Ain’t that the truth! Trump 74 years old. Biden 77.

Is there no competent 40\50 or even 60 year old in US politics?

But what you or I class as “competent” is probably something entirely different to what the office needs.

Was Obama viewed as “competent”? Not in my book, but to the military industrial complex he was a rip-roaring success. To quote ZeroHedge:

Obama got the US involved in the Libyan war while starting the largest drone war in history in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. He also incited the Arabs to rebellion against their governments but then refused to raise a finger to help them, thus lighting the fire of civil wars, notably in Syria. His support for the mullahs of Tehran also encouraged them to speed up their empire-building efforts, plunging much of the Middle East into violence and war.

Democrats had control of the House and Senate when Obama got elected in 2008, but lost control of both in the mid term 2010 elections. Obama had a 55% disapproval rating by 2010 and the Democratic controlled congress a disapproval rating of 72%, even a majority of Democrats were unhappy with congress at that stage.

So, in answer to your question, Obama could have filled all the open judge positions he liked from 2008 to 2010 but after 2011 it got more difficult.

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Correct. Trump had put all his eggs into the economy basket, and up to Covid it would probably have worked as voters are reluctant to vote out an incumbent when the economy is doing well. His biggest issue is with women voters, where he got reasonable support in 2016.

Democrats are not left leaning historically, centrist and center right economically. There is a sizable left contingent now though, AOC, Bernie, etc. Biden wouldn’t be popular with the left wing of the party, but they went along with him as he was the best bet to beat Trump.

Will the reds under the bed mindset ever dissipate over there?

I would say it’s largely gone. The political system is broken and has been for some time, so people especially the young are looking for alternatives.

Too centrist for that approach, trying to be a president for all Americans iirc.

That was enough.

I have no love for Obama. I was put right off him and the whole bunch of them when I saw them sitting watching live assassinations and then later learned that he personally authorised all drone assassinations.

That was enough.

Wikipedia :rofl: A pisspot site that any wanker can add misinformation and delete facts.

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Yes, it’s generally considered an alt right conspiracy site dressed up with investment articles.
Even Institutional Investor magazine, for decades the go to monthly for old school conservative monied types, is calling them out.

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You certainly have to approach their site with caution and I wouldn’t listen to them for investment advice. But they will publish articles that the mainstream media will not touch, for better or worse. For example they reported widely on the developing Covid epidemic in December and January from sources within China when not one MSM source would touch it. It’s a pity western governments weren’t paying attention, maybe they could have prepared better for a pandemic.

It’s actually a bit laughable for mainstream media to be critical of independent news sites, given the lies and spin they engage in themselves.


They’d have been better served to look closely at the message about the darling of the left, rather than focusing on the messenger.

The Archdiocese of NY dinner has started. Every 4 years the presidential candidates are invited.

President Trump and Joe will be virtually participating. You can catch this online for anyone interested

In short, don’t believe a fucking word you see or hear until you draw those curtains in the morning & breath in that last toxic breath…

The event 4 years ago was absolutely top-drawer. Crooked Hillary’s demeanour changed noticeably the longer Trump spoke. He absolutely destroyed her.

Much more restrained this time. Check out President Trump’s speech

Interesting to see Biden waffle about his Catholic faith. You could hardly consider an abortion supporter to be a faithful catholic, could you?

I hear Tucker Carlson is a big fan

Would have to agree with that. Some lovely touches there by POTUSA. A nice nod to Amy too.