US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Just a hunch.

The way I see it at the moment is the states is more and more becoming a left and right country. No politician wants to touch the centre ground there because they dont believe theres enough votes in it for them and bar Biden manages to pick a relatively central common sense VP candidate, the divide is only going g to get bigger.

A left leaning candidate may well become president but to say one as thick as Trump will do it is reaching a bit.

Could happen this time round if Biden doesn’t make it through four years, and he caves to the left on his VP pick. The sensible pick is Kamala Harris but she’s not favored by the abolish the police crowd.

The fact that Trump got elected is proof enough that it could happen. Shur theres some bint over there that’s a self proclaimed member of antifa who is running for mayor of some city (cc. @Tierneevin1979, I cant remember her name or the city) of course it can happen

You said a left leaning president as thick as Trump.

Seattle are about to abolish their police force and replace them with “community activists”. So now when a woman gets raped or someone murdered during a robbery, a crustie will come out to have a heart to heart with the perpetrators.


No. You did


So you think theres noone on the left is as dangerous or as stupid as Trump. You’re too long under the bed kid. Bring the mother in law for a spin at the weekend. It’ll do you good

Keep it going and you’ll end up arguing with yourself.

giphy (16)

You seem to be big into your fart porn Mike

You always want what you cant have kid. September please God


QAnon followers in congress too.
They’re all over the place over there.
Half of them seem to want the country to finally come to terms with its history and the other half don’t.

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Politicians? Name them.

Donald Trump is not stupid

This fool for one

Who’s the fool?

Donald nailing it again
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