US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

America has not been at war during his presidency. They have relatively like involvement in outsourced geo political spats .

America is not really on fire . They are spats in certain cities and tbh these have been happening since the 60s and will continue to happen . These have their roots in poverty .


Hes done his damage through trade embargoes which will cause long lasting poverty and damage

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Go on ā€¦,

Thereā€™s plenty of information out there. I havenā€™t time to ladybird it for you now, apologies.

Iā€™m off out to make a day of the last of the weather

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Me too :



Senator Ron Johnson just tested positive. The Republicans are dropping like flies

Iā€™m surprised this has taken so long.

Characters, mate. The characters are charactering very strongly at the moment but they will all slink away eventually.
ā€˜What? I was never a trump supporter, just asQing questions, bringing balance etc.ā€™

What a time to be alive*

*He may not be for much longer mind you


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Withdrawal is going to be a bitch for him during this, unless the medics are happy to keep pumping him with his adderall and benzos.
This oneā€™s a doozy.

Having watched the event, itā€™s most likely the president of Notre Dame Rev Jenkins, was the super spreader. He was going around hugging and shaking hands with everyone afterwards, overexcited at their girl getting nominated.

Latest news is very positive for him. Fever gone, cough gone, talk of him being released Monday or Tuesday. The hope he dies brigade will be devastated.


Healthy as a bull

Heā€™s only gone and discovered another cure

Experimental Regeneron drug does the business.

Limerick Limerick Limerick


The whole city will be working in there by this time next year

In the interest of fairness in the Presidential race, they now need to inject Biden with it.

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