US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

It will be some victory for the OIUTF side if Trump and all the other WH staff shake off the Covid and are back up and running in a few days. The most vulnerable you would think is Chris Christie as he is a fat fuck, but if a 74 year old overweight man can recover in a few days it’s quite a statement and one Trump will use to his advantage.

What this also emphasizes is how contagious this virus is when you have a super spreader in the vicinity (the k factor @TheUlteriorMotive). It looks like they all caught it at that outdoor event at the Rose garden last weekend. None of them were wearing masks, but I’m not convinced most of the masks you see people wearing would make any difference. Assume everyone has it and keep your distance is I think the safest approach, hugging and shaking hands is just asking to be infected.

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Pool reporters briefed to the contrary?

Just going with what Dr Conley said for now, rather than CNN’s anonymous source that says his vitals in the past 24 hours were a concern. CNN are literally willing him to die.

Masks not being much good and they all picking it up outdoors?

I smell a considerable rat here…

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He’s either very sick or very healthy.

But doesn’t the patient usually get a turn after about seven days? Bit early to be claiming victory yet.

Correct. The ones that get very sick go rapidly downhill around day 7-10, but most don’t get to that stage. You would imagine with the care he is getting he won’t, but it’s certainly possible.

Can someone set up a poll on his outcome?

Read the article that @TheUlteriorMotive posted. In short, clusters come from super spreaders and if you are in close physical proximity to one you will most likely get infected, and wearing a rag around your face won’t save you.

It seems extremely likely the source was Mark Meadows.

Brian O Donovan calling the doctors liars here.

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Donald is making a v shaped recovery


He’d know

Have you a temperature?

That worked really well for us before.

If we can’t trust the multinationals who can we trust?

All joking aside. They’ve serious money spent there kitting it out. Here for the long haul hopefully

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CNN have spent the last two hours claiming Trump tested positive on Wednesday morning, based on his Dr mentioning 72 hours earlier. The Dr has had to come out now and clarify what he meant was we are in the third day i.e. he was diagnosed Thursday evening.

Kaitlin is on now appalled at typos in WH statements updating his condition.

For a man who’s dog was run over by cnn you sure spend a lot of time watching them.


Would you be happier if I watched Fox? CNN is good entertainment at times like this, and Kaitlin is always worth watching.

Makes no difference to me but you might be happier.
Fair point though, all briefings from and relating to the current administration are never in any way confusing or mendacious and given the man himself’s long history of truth telling, nobody should be asking any questions at all