US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Lookit, he’ll either be dead or running around causing mayhem by Monday.

God speed Donald. The tfk forces aligned against him here are a whos who of cunts @Julio_Geordio the one sentence problem solver, @EstebanSexface, @Piles_Hussain etc etc


The anti Trumpers seem to be clutching at straws, desperately hoping he’s on deaths door. They were reeling last night after all their supposition when he strolled onto the helicopter.


Can you imagine him if he bounds back from this in a few days? It was all a cod, I told you it would go away, the Democrats want to destroy the economy over a cold, etc.


No doubt that will be the line and it’s the obvious one to take. I saw a clip of gaga greggie on fox already laying the groundwork. Along the lines of ‘his attitude towards masks and the virus all along was for the benefit of the american people’.
It would certainly dial up the crazy. Stay safe mate.

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Why would they go to that trouble and put everything on the side the cameras would be photographing him on?

I didn’t realise you were gay, congrats on coming out!

You’re really a top banter merchant


I respect you.


Already covered two hours ago, try and stay current mate.

I have you on ignore

Who said that

Not a bother on him


If he wins this election it’ll be an even greater come back than tigers.


He’s completely lost his orangeness

"Miracles coming down from God "

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Joe Biden isn’t taking the news well

Tigers never went anywhere, they were just crouching.