US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Lovely to see this ā€˜miracleā€™ as Don put it himself, the bonfires are blazing all the way from Doonbeg to Askeaton tonight no doubt

WH so confident in it all that they see no reason to send out anyone to the Sunday shows to discuss matters. Business as usual. Or not.

Great to see and hear the President in fine spirits there.

Melania doing well also, great to hear.

Not a single thing wrong with the cunt.

An elderly man got tired.

Good play tbf if you can get away with it.

He actually does look a little bit chastened there. He went a full 4 minutes without having a pop at anyone or boasting that much. He didnā€™t call it Chinavirus either. Presume hell be back to normal soon but he does look and sound a bit different in that video.

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Heā€™s making a 2 part play,

  • use of the word by partisan was thrown in there so he is looking for those undecided votes. A sympathy vote grab.

  • use of word miracle & miracles. Making a big big play for Regeneron and reports of his recent Funding issues tally nicely with such a move.

Get well soon Donā€¦

Good to see heā€™s ok. The man is a clown but wishing death on him is fucked up - Thankfully @mikehunt isnt alive or heā€™d be driven demented by Trump beating this.

Heā€™s not out of the woods yet. Apparently there is a danger around day 10 of the ā€œdouble-dipā€ ā€œsecond downward trajectoryā€ kicking in. Hope for blood-thirsty liberals still.

I donā€™t see him pulling through


He was very sleepy looking


Heā€™s on the best therapeutic drugs. Heā€™ll lick Covid 19 good and proper.

If he has that second wave or dip it will be very bad for Regeneron and Gilead.

Are any bookies taking bets on the election still? Biden was cut to 8/15 by pp after the debate

The grift never dies



Trump must be the greatest WUM of all time. Not sure what poor bastard he has driving him.

On his way back to the White House or just out for an ego-trip?

Lap around the block.

Out for a spot of wumming

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