US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Interesting choice. Puts the extreme lefties under pressure while at the same time, gives those in the centre an option.

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You need to ask the experts next time. I broke this story weeks ago.
This is great news for much needed police reform. She will be the first Female President in 4 years. The world should not give up on America just yet

In fairness to @Tierneevin1979, he did say he hoped that Biden would pick Harris. I do agree with you that it is a chance for the states to get back on track. Plus I’d ride her.


Occams Razor at work here. Picking anyone else would have been a bit nuts. They will be lighting bonfires from sea to shining sea tonight

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Well what it does is gives people in the centre a good option now. Extreme left or right doesn’t work. Its probably good news for policing in the states as well. By all accounts police reform needs to happen but defunding/Getting rid of the police should be off the table

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It’s the end of trump. Keep biden hidden and let Kamala steal the law and order platform and the centre from the don as the ‘protests’ continue.


Edit, Nothing to see here.


Yup. But it also backs the left into a corner. Vote Trump and the national guards cleans house. Vote Biden and we’ll talk about it but law and order will prevail

tenor (21)

Hows she cuttin pal?


If by the left you mean the extreme left morons like the BLM leadership and Antifa they are truly insignificant in the American political sphere. While many support calls for moves towards racial justice almost no one supports abolishing the government, widespread looting thats been goin all in Chicago all week or the utter nonsense of defunding police. The shrieks you see on twitter are the triggered few.

It’s a shame labane1917 isn’t around on this momentous day. Kamala was his pick from day 1. Could be president before you know it.


She could be the glue that holds this forum together. With luck the USA too

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Is Trump going with Pence again? VP has never been more likely to step in

Yes, no choice

I do. But the problem people I the centre had was that there seemed to be a polarisation happening and that Biden was heading that way. This reels it back in

The only place Biden is heading is back to bed in a hurry. This is all about who succeeds him. He has one job and thats to rid the world of Trump

Pence is shitting himself, Kamala will make clane shite of him in the debates.