US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Is there still time for him to resign and get Mike Pence to pardon him for his own activities?

Working up to it. Latest for pardons are Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Kushner the elder :laughing:

Watching the comey rule at the moment. I presume it’s fake nooz but by god.

Rumors that Snowden and the Swedish chap will get pardons, The Swedish chap from prosecution in the US.

Epstein should have hung around for the pardon


Can he literally pardon anyone he wants? Seems batshit crazy power to give to one man is there any moves being made to change it?

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Obama holds the record apparently. 330 ish pardons on his last day in office. Not all are for nefarious reasons, some are commutations of sentences but fuck me it’s a weird rule.

Could he pardon serial killers or anyone? In theory could he get his son to go kill Obama or someone he didn’t like and then pardon him on his last day in office :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

He’s definitely considered this. Maybe Baron instead of Don Jr

Is this a poke in the eye for Obama?



@labane has the rosary beads out

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He can pardon anyone convicted of a federal crime, only a governor can pardon someone convicted at the state level. It’s an article of the constitution so unlikely to be changed.

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If anyone fancies staying up to watch today’s stupid-fest

I’ve been watching for 5 minutes and it’s already witheringly stupid

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Are the Republicans likely to hold those seats?

Democrats warm betting favorites in one. The other is even money

Dere tookin ur guuunnnnnsssss

This is some scour altogether

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