US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Stick with it, Jr’s. coke fiend missus is up now :rofl:

This is the shouting cyborg from the campaign that time, fucking hell my ears

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I am doing a nice line in O’ Biden Whiskey glasses lads if anyone is stuck

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Christ her father was born in some place called Oireland

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This is fucking nuts cc @Copper_pipe

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By God

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Awesome, here’s Junior for more of the same :rofl:
Guaranteed to also be off his tits

That was literally the most insane 5 minute I’ve ever seen on tv

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The psychobats dad was from Ennis, all makes sense now

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This guy is very seedy

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What a low class operator

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@Julio_Geordio He’s doing the Chi-naa thing

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He’s clearly coked off his eyeballs

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He’s aping the fathers mannerisms and cadence, creepy as fuck.

He’s ‘just another guy from New York City’
He’ll no doubt have the usual suspects waking up in sticky beds as is their want

At least his old man had a bit of wit about him

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America is a very advanced country


She spent her summers here as a young girl working in the family shop. My father in law has a vague recollection of her. She’s a wonderful woman from a wonderful family

No doubt she has supplied the village with free hearing aids for all

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Strong word Pence is about to pull the plug

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