US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Trump supporters could never be faulted for intelligence in fairness


Trump die hards holding a wake on some other thread I see

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Trump is a fine speaker

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Just had it confirmed Pence is turning his back on Wednesday :hushed:


Ivanka :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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I am voting for Trump now after that


We got someone breaking out of the Chopper to save America but it wasn’t Rocky alas

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He’s still ranting but the crowd are leaving lol, poor Don

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Surrender moment
‘I got on great with Kim Jong-un, I don’t think that Joe is going to’

Trump knows Pence is about to wield the axe

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Anyone have Pence in their celeb death list?

Greenwald on the ball here. CNN are flailing without 24 hour coverage of the don

Even Maggie has the baby with the monobrow

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I wonder what the little guy is getting paid


Amazing grift, you gotta hand it to him, he knows there are legions of even thicker thick fucks than him who will continue to give him money.

Its done, he needs to move on.

Maybe not - now, fair enough, this is an Andy Ngo tweet but the Mail link seems kosher enough and the guy admits to lying about his attendance at protests

The judge gave the jurors anonymity for 6 months but this lad wanted the taste of spotlight and he may well have fucked it. This ain’t over.

What a fucking asshole.

He has to go