US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Unless you have met 100s, which is highly doubtful, then your sample size is too small. Just because you met one fella really means fuck all and doesn’t give you an elevated knowledge of the mindset of convicted murderers in general.
Thousands of people who are convicted of murder appeal their convictions. There is nothing unusual about it, it fact it would be more unusual if he didn’t. That he is a cunt is beside the point.

I didn’t base my observation on a sample size of one, I based it on Chauvin’s actions. I said they say a lot about the man.

What is the relevance of your response that a lot of convicted murderers appeal their convictions to that observation? None I’d say.

A conviction for murder doesn’t say enough about him?

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“I reckon this man who killed another man might not be the most decent fella”

This chauvin fella is really letting himself down here.

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No, you based it on an incorrect observation, that he pleaded innocent. First of all, nobody pleads innocent, they plead guilty or not guilty, and it’s up the the judicial system to determine guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Second of all he was willing to plead guilty to third degree murder, which suggests he did not believe he was innocent and would be convicted.

In other words, you haven’t a notion.

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Even for you this is the most stupid post I’ve seen in a long time :grin:

First you take issue with what I said, two posts later you essentially paraphrase me and agree with my initial point. Then you come back again trying to make something of a legal distinction that has no relevance to my initial point, which you’ve already agreed with. Then you tell me I haven’t a clue.

As well as being a racist cunt you really are an odd and stupid, stupid fucker.

I didn’t agree with anything you said, or say, on pretty much any topic. You said he pleaded innocent. He didn’t. Admit your error.

As far as racism goes, I’d say you are the most racist posters on the site, unless there are others on here that refer to people they regard as beneath them as knackers, a racist slur. You will not find examples of me using racist slurs mate, no matter how hard you look.

What is it about Asians and maths,why are they so good at it?

Hard work, a concept most white kids shy away from. They also have a very fast and logical way of counting

Their fingers?

No, their brains.

Mate. Thats racist.


Not like him to sue someone

Did him and Rudi make up yet?

He bought him a sex doll that looks like borats daughter after the press conference

Ffs donald. Why don’t you tell us what you really think

it will be great fun in 2022 when the Republicans are in control of the House and Senate again.

They’ll sit on the pitch and demand a replay