US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Funny that Saint Joe fan give cover for anti migration politicise brought in under Trump with “public health”

Cuomo gone.

That speech was amazing. The writers of Veep couldn’t come up with it in their wildest dreams :joy:

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@Cheasty proven wrong, again


It was a good break from the constant news about Covid, but you can’t really be going around grouping young wans

Italians communicate with their hands.

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Have CNN reported it yet?

Chris Cuomo has gone on mental health leave for a week.


Very clever of Cumo to announce it the same time as Kellie Harringtons homecoming.

Killing grannies and touching fannies

Compare these honest voices looking for a better society to the weird woke white freaks on social media who feel the need to shout above everyone about their own righteousness

Hunter Biden is a great man.

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“The gallery has also agreed to reject offers that seem suspiciously generous”

Nothing to see here.

Money laundering, tax breaks, philanthropy etc. There’s probably a hape of fleeing Afghan warlords queuing up for a hunter biden


They can afford one. Joe has made those warlords very wealthy and powerful.

Hunter is the LFC of art

AOC at the Met Gala

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The ballet?