US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

…or opera or something?

A tax the rich statement at the fucking Met Gala, ah lads.

I still would.

And Hailee too


The met has a budget of hundreds of millions…gained from tax write offs, or whatever they’re called…so she’s not really a hypocrite, as any accountant will tell you

Old man Joe knows there’s no wokepoints in letting Europeans in.

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300 million dollars of public money down the drain for a pointless charade designed to boost the profile of an attention whore Republican talk radio host who says slave owners should get reparations.

Rigged, obviously.

Can he find nobody to edit or proof-read his ramblings?

That first sentence is a fuckin doozy, almost Joycean :rofl:


The old lad in CBP in Dublin assures me it won’t be this side of Christmas

Hillary’s campaign lawyer has been indicted for allegedly lying to the FBI during the Russia probe.


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Hopefully she’s next. Bring back that halcyon period of lock her up!!

Hillary and Bill were the first to bring peace to Ireland after 800 years.
Eaten bread is soon forgotten


looks like she is in trouble for breaching House ethics rules. Apparently one of the big tech companies paid for her ticket.


That was so subversive of her, I love it.

he has the border guards whipping people from Haiti, the man is a monster

During yesterday’s Biden/Johnson press gathering at the White House, Boris answered questions but reporters who tried to ask Biden questions were shouted down by White House aides and then shoved out the door. Democracy is now officially dead. The White House press pool have launched a formal objection over the fact that Joe Biden refuses to answer questions.

Meanwhile Haitian refugees are being beaten at the border and Kamala Harris the border czar is calling for an investigation. Maybe she should go down there and tell her border guards to stop beating people.


her henchmen are horsewhipping refugees, image if that happened under Trump?

But you’re the same guy who supports voter suppression!