US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Hard to see why American politics is so partisan and polarising when you’re effectively voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

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It’s all going tits up, bombing children in Afghanistan and refusing to apologize, giving names and addresses of our Afghan allies to the Taliban, leaving Americans behind, beating refugees, gas prices through the roof after shutting down pipelines, food prices through the roof, surrendering to the CCP on selling microprocessors to Huawei (US companies have a shortage of processors so we sell them to China?).

The only good news in all of this is Joe is blissfully unaware any of it is happening.

Do you support the US leaving Afghanistan?

Cat got your tongue @Lazarus ?

Biden has the usual suspects hopping here

Not in the fashion it was done. I never supported boots on the ground in Afghanistan or Iraq.

The far right are nuts. All them are massively anti-immigrant too. And anti-democracy.

They dont understand realpolitik

So you do support the US leaving Afghanistan?

The US gave consistent warnings they were leaving. Over several months.

Nobody says the manner of their leaving was perfect. And I’m not sure how you stage a non-chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Chaos was utterly inevitable. Once the decision to leave was made, there was no way chaos could ever have been avoided. Literally millions wanted to get out. To pretend otherwise is to engage in magical thinking.

Biden doesn’t know what day of the week it is

There is fairly unanimous outrage across the political spectrum at the way the exit from Afghanistan was handled, and to the chaos on the border. Left leaning journalists have formally objected to the lack of access to the president. No surprise you are on the wrong side of this one.

Precisely none of them have a problem with the Governor of Texas placing a 10 thousand dollar bounty on the heads of women who have abortions and anybody who could be construed to help them. Which is a lot of people.

That’s actual vigiliantism and they’re fine with it.

The US government stated a month before the exit that the Afghan army could handle any attempt by the Taliban to take over.

You haven’t addressed my post. You’re just shouting.

There was no way to avoid chaos when withdrawing from Afghanistan. You are pretending, because you are a Trumpist, that there was.

Trump was the guy who let all the Taliban out. You never had a problem with that.

But that’s just a soundbyte. Whether they were right or wrong, and they were wrong, there would have been total chaos anyway.

It isn’t the reason there was chaos.

The Trump advocates wanted the US to remain in Afghanistans for ever. Their impearlist undercurrent being exposed badly here

Of course chaos could have been averted, keep Bagram air base open and evacuate people from there. Are you saying the US military couldn’t keep the Taliban at bay while planning an evacuation? That’s a hell of an indictment of the world’s greatest military.

Pretty much everybody who supported Trump were the same people who wanted to wipe out Afghanistan and Iraq post-9/11.

Then it was Trump who made the decision to get out of Afghanistan and give the Taliban everything they wanted. Not Biden.

The same people who were howling for what happened are the same people who are howling against what they were previously calling for.

The hypocrisy and sheer brass neckery and shamelessness of them is staggering.

The totalitarian and his little lapdog.

It’s fascinating to watch.

But Trump.