US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

I see you hate addicts now Fr.Nice one.

Gotta follow Greenwald for an honest appraisal. And also as the woke morons have no response to his arguments. Just shrieking.


It’s hardly a surprise Glenn Greenwald would eulogise a black person who dedicates their career to keeping black people down.

After all, he’s a Jew that defended actual Nazis in court.

David Frum is a Republican and a staunch right-winger who was one of the main architects of the Iraq War.

However David Frum is not wrong about everything.

He’s certainly not wrong about the following.

You’d do well to listen to him.

It’s quite ironic, as you don’t seem to be able to construct any arguments beyond shrieking.

What in your own words, has the Republican party got to offer ordinary people in America beyond pro-white, anti-minority identity politics, and anti-science identity politics?

What, in your own words does the international right wing have to offer ordinary people beyond the same?

Rejection of democracy, attempted coups, disinformation, poor standards of education for the disadvantaged, demonisation of trans people, demonisation of people of colour ie. racism, demanding censorship against liberals and leftists, batshit conspiracy theories, voter suppression, terrible healthcare, censorship in education, vigilante laws against women, cheerleading the destruction of the climate, cheerleading the anti-vaxx “movement”, disastrous handling of the pandemic, economic destruction, stratospheric wealth inequality.

These are the central, cherished tenets of right wing politics and of your politics.

Your politics is the politics of wrapping yourself in the flag and of Brexity blue passports.

Why don’t you try to make a case for why all these are, in your view, good things?

Instead of shrieking, like.

Which you pretend to be against but are in fact of the worst practitioners of on this forum, as is your fellow Galwegian buddy.

Not sure how you make that out. I specifically said Taibbi’s best work came when he was a heroin addict.

But right-wing loons like @maroonandwhite certainly do hate heroin addicts.

Perhaps you’d like to take it up with him? Yes?

This is what conservative America is now.

Thoughts, @maroonandwhite and @Tierneevin1979? :grinning:

Just wondering whether @maroonandwhite would agree with the characterisation of the shrieking right wing lunatics terrorising school board board members across America, as, well, shrieking right wing lunatics?

Or maybe something even more accurate? Like say, fascist thugs and criminals?

Maybe some of our other resident shrieking right wing racist morons like @Tierneevin1979 and @Enrique might like to comment? :grinning:

Nah, course not. They support it.

It was only days after Sami Al-Abdrabbuh was reelected to the school board in Corvallis, Oregon, that the text messages arrived. The first, he said, was a photograph taken at a shooting range. It showed one of his campaign’s lawn signs—“Re-Elect Sami”—riddled with bullet holes. The second was a warning from a friend. This one said that one of their neighbors was looking for Mr. Al-Abdrabbuh. The neighbor was threatening to kill him.

Like many school board races this year, the one in May in Corvallis, a left-leaning college town in the northwest corner of the state, was especially contentious, swirling around concerns not only about the coronavirus pandemic but also the teaching of what Mr. Al-Abdrabbuh called the “dark history” of America’s struggle with race. Even months later, Mr. Al-Abdrabbuh, the chairman of the school board, is still taking precautions. He regularly speaks to the police and scans his driveway in the morning before walking to his car. He often mixes up his daily route to work. “I love serving on the school board,” he said. “But I don’t want to die for it.”

In recent months, there have been Nazi salutes at school board meetings and emails threatening rape. Obscenities have been hurled — or burned into people’s lawns with weed spray.

In one extreme case, in suburban San Diego, a group of people protesting mask mandates disrupted a school board meeting in September. After taking an unauthorized vote, they summarily installed themselves as the district’s new board.

Frum ha! Seriously! Why would you credit a word from that fool?

You better get onto @Tierneevin1979, mate. He’s the poster that brought him up in admiring tones.

We have a case of voter fraud and the perpetrator has been caught red handed. It’s Glenn Youngkin’s son.

In light of this shocking new development, I presume this means the Republicans will now be calling for the Virginia election to be re-run? Yeah? Yeah?

And they’ll be calling for the law to be enforced in the strictest possible terms against Young Kin?

The House passes Biden’s infrastructure bill with support from 13 Republicans. First indication Democrats have learned from Virginia.

What’s the difference between the Republicans and ISIS again?

You’d love to be in the middle of that, slathered with Irn Bru, mighty fun

Greenwald knocks it outta the park with this thread

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De Santis’s press secretary seems to be a terrible Jew-hater.

The Republicans aren’t the American Nazi Party for nothing…

Poor auld Labane better keep running.

DeSantis hasnt done a bad job on the aul covid.

The President cares for your children more than you do

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