US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Except these are just all guys agreeing with each other, telling each other how great they are.


Looks like the second trump impeachment trial is dead on arrival. Rand Paul filed a motion stating the trial was unconstitutional which went to a vote and lost by 55-45. Five Republicans voted against the motion, but notably Mitch McConnel voted for the motion which likely means no conviction in the trial.

When are you moving to Texas?

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I am happy you finally found your natural home

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Meanwhile, as night follows day…

Another disappointing day for the divisive democrats. 45 Senators voted that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional. Will be interesting to see of the dems and biden still waste time and money on this divisive activity.

Joe Biden has issued an executive order banning the use of the terms “China virus” and “Wuhan virus”.
The West Nile virus, Ebola and MERs have also been put on notice for racism.


He must be knackered after that.

Joe cleaning house

Getting shit done

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The UK variant is perfect though.

The south African one is a bit problematic, which side of the wall in rourkes drift is it being attributed to?

By next week it will be known as the white supremacist virus.

Trump is directly responsible for the deaths of 400k people. Thankfully they’ve stopped dying now.


A week into Joe’s presidency and all blue states have opened up. I’m going to the pub for the rest of the week to spend my GameStop winnings. It’s literally a miracle on main street.

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Only took Joe one week to turn things around by the looks of it :clap: :clap:

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I presume you mean physically


the Stock Market numbers are racing downward, and the virus numbers are racing upward.


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