US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Dzień dobry Komrade @balbec

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Itā€™s funny though, joe saying they were for fascists and dictators and allā€¦

Stand back and stand by


Not sure what the baby face is about. Iā€™m saying he did lose the elections, his claims of fraud are incorrect, thereā€™s no evidence to support his claims.

The rest of your post is ā€˜I recallsā€™ 'Reminds of me of Ian Paisely,

Fact is he called for peaceful protests. His behaviour not much different from Democrats and this trial is a farce.

Itā€™s sad that you had to spell it out for him but Trump supporters were always a bit slow on the uptake.


My apologies. I misunderstood that part of your post.

Once. On multiple occasions he called for the mob to fight, that they wouldnā€™t win if they werenā€™t strong. He condemned Pence if Pence wouldnā€™t ā€œdo the right thingā€. The mob made a makeshift gallows outside the Capitol and chanted ā€œHang Mike Penceā€ - and Pence is a republican! If you can watch that address to his mob please do so.

Again I ask: If he wanted a peaceful protest why didnā€™t he, as soon as he saw the turn events were taking, call the mob off?

Tell you what Iā€™m going to do. Iā€™m going to watch as much of this trial as I can, as impartially as I can. And try to reach a balanced conclusion.

I invite you to do the same.

As an impatrial observer myself I would also welcome @Enrique switching the headlights on here

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The same people who couldnā€™t accept the result of the 2016 election are up in arms that people donā€™t accept the results of the 2020 election :grinning:

Seems like this @TheBlackSpot person may have been radicalised by the far left.

Either that, or @sidney has made a comeback :wink:


You need to work on your spelling of those big tricky words :relaxed:

People just need to let go.

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They need somewhere else to channel their frustrations now that Sleepy Joe is the occupant of the White House :grinning:

The headlights got turned on too late for some alas

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Conspiracy Theorist @Lazarus is now quoting a member of the ā€˜Proud Boysā€™ group, in order to attack former President Trump.

@Lazarus , really? You are taking the side of the ā€˜ Proud Boysā€™ ?

Another chap who needs to relax

@myboyblue has almost 300 posts on this thread :grinning:

Oh my

ā€˜Defendant is former military who is
sworn to protect his country. He was responding to the entreaties of the
then commander in chief, President Trump. The President maintained that
the election had been stolen and it was the duty of loyal citizens to ā€œstop
the steal9.ā€ Admittedly there was no rational basis for the claim, but it is
apparent defendant was one of millions of Americans who were misled by
the Presidentā€™s deception.ā€™

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Itā€™s time to let it go chapĆ­n