US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Thanks :blush:

This wan on the stage now is worth about 4 of the old milk quotas I’d say

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An absolute evisceration of the losing Presidential candidate from the Republican representative from the Virgin Islands here

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Don’t worry Mike. Any red blooded male is having similar thoughts

Where did I say I was worried?

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By God

Fucking hell

What you giving out about? Youd see worse at a wicklow match

Its harrowing stuff watching Trumps hate mob trying to suffocate the brave men and women of Capitol Law Enforcement

Optics kid, optics

step away from them @iron_mike Stick with the black stuff, the beer or the IPAs

Blue Lives Matter bro, unless you’re a Trump supporter it would appear

I haven’t seen this movie that the democrats had commissioned.

How long was the production?

This is what a real truth speaker sounds like
Warning may cause offense to the Trump idolizers

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Despite the small matter of a DWI, the message in this is powerful and needs to be heard. It’s all that can save a crumbling empire

The Boss advertising Jeeps. Disgusting

Some fellas wont be able to see the message in there sadly.

:rofl: This is fucking funny


The staff at CNN need to be shown Bruce’s video. They need to come all the way back to the middle.

Could be a lot tighter then expected here, a fair few impartial observers like myself on the Republican side are on the verge of turning by all accounts. Winning this trial would actually be a backward step for the Democrats, they need to keep Trump a viable far right hero to keep the GOP in freefall