US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

We knew you would see sense and move to the Republican side.

You know the old saying, “if you are 20 and not a Liberal you have no heart. If you are 30 and not a Conservative, you have no Brain”

Congrats @Lazarus

Even Fox are saying it’s a coin flip right now. This will actually backfire badly for the Democrats if enough Republicans do in fact turn. With the evidence and the case presented no one could blame them for doing so but the whole idea from a Democratic persective was to keep Trump somewhat relevant and split the opposition in two for decades to come. The impeachment trial may well be in danger of becoming a victim of it’s own success

If the dems are unsuccessful and former President Trump is found not guilty for a second time, this impeachment hoax will reflect very badly on the democrat leadership.

The American people elected the dems to do a job, but they are wasting time playing political games.

With the utmost respect I don’t think you understand how these things work buddy

Even I haven’t been following the trial, and I guess there isn’t much to follow because you haven’t been posting a lot about it :grinning:

I assume that means that the dems aren’t going to be successful with the impeachment hoax.

You need to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh pal

you’re the Republican, so you claimed earlier anyhow :innocent:

What’s happening here lads. From the infantile tv news it looks like the Democrats are putting all their eggs in the how scared they were basket. In that basis it don’t seem too forensic. No mention at all of a defence…did trump offer one?

Chief Justice Roberts wouldn’t even lower himself to participate in this circus.

Former President Trump is playing golf in Florida, while he also lives rent free in the minds of the radical left.

Is he on tv these days?

He is keeping a low profile while enjoying the perks of being a Billionaire former President.

However, he is live 24 x 7 in the minds of the radical left types.

I’d say hes no notion of returning.

Agreed, but he’ll let the left stew for another 2 years before he confirms that :rofl:

Bad news guys.
Now that I have O Biden safely secured in office and Trump on trial I think the time has come to refocus my energies back on my first love again, horse racing. See you guys on the equine threads. Though luck on the insurerection too btw

Commiseration’s on the impeachment trial pal. What date will the acquittal vote be held?

Ah ffs laz. You cant even slam a door properly

oooft :grinning:

You’re an awful man being so mean to poor @Lazarus

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I am bigly embarassed by this I must say



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