US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Mehole will be going to Washington DC. Even if he has to row a currach there.

Be some laugh if arlene got an invite and meehawl didn’t

Deranged behaviour. The Don put it up to them for 4 years and drove them so demented they’re going through a process to remove him from office after he’s already left office. Mental stuff really.


No White House visit for Mehole. Virtual Paddy’s Day meeting instead. Shame.

OMG, the defence is playing video showing democrats in the House of Reps objecting to the certification of former President Trump in Jan 2017 :joy:

Law and Order

dems caught out for manufacturing evidence :astonished:

Shocking footage of the dems inciting violence

Good to see Biden telling Monty Burns to fuck off.

Its getting embarrassing for them now

Aoc’s husband would need to get his game face on. It’ll take a lot more than a box of Ferrero rocher @iron_mike

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Jerry Nadler was some size back in the day.

This is so embarrassing for the dems and the far left, that I was wondering if CNN were going to cut away from it. But I checked there and they are sticking with it.


This is a dead duck now. Dems just want the final whistle. They’ve taken a right bating so they have.

While we all know what the outcome of this impeachment trial will be due to the numbers in the Senate, I still ask you to look impartially at the evidence presented by each side. Seems that some here have reached a conclusion before all the evidence is presented.

It is very important that the jurors on TFK reach their own un-prejudiced conclusion. How un-TFK like would it be to do otherwise?

It doesn’t matter kid. The optics were always going to win it. The prosecution opened the door and the defence closed it. Once the video evidence was introduced, there was only going to be one winner.

Jesus Mike, that’s some shite even for TFK! The numbers in the Senate decided it before it started.

No, not really. They might even claw back the five or six Republicans that wanted to impeach. That would be no mean feat

Fair enough. If they manage that that would be a victory for the defence.

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