US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Former President Trump has an unfair advantage here. His defence team know about the law and are able to quote facts.

The dems don’t. Amazing that the dems thought they could manufacture evidence and that people would just go along with it.


What did they manufacture?

Screenshots of tweets and videos of the President’s speech to name but two.

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Judge Judy would have thrown this case out within 2 minutes :grinning:


They did a Spielberg on it and edited the fuck out of videos of speeches etc. Problem is the defence managed to show that they were edited a blew it out of the water. Its turning out like a challenge match between u12s and minor where they give the u12s a 5 goal head start only to know what the outcome is going to be.


Michael Van Der Veen is like the teacher scolding the dem house managers for not having completed their homework.


yeah a personal injury lawyer who know about constitutional law


It makes fuck all difference, I could have defended him and he still would get acquitted. It’s political theater on both sides, a show and tell for the fans. Meanwhile a third of the country are fucked and waiting for some financial help, but doubling the minimum wage is a priority, even though the problem is lack of viable employers.


Yeah you are right to a large extent. As you say, people are suffering financially and health wise. ivermectin for all!

But there is a bigger issue. If a president can do this and walk away some other president will do this and take the white house. I’m no fan of American “democracy” America is an imperialist power imposig their will throughout the world. Bad enough when they pretend to be a democracy When America is an autocratic dictatorship we really are fucked.

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Sure Trump was the most peaceful president in decades. Where did he throw the weight around? Blasted a few thousand ISIS and the Iranian chap, good riddance. No civilians killed, compared to his predecessors.

America is still the best thing going (who developed the best vaccines?) and the country the world needs for inspiration. Where else would you look, the fucking Chinese, the frogs, the lost English, the bastard Germans? At least we still value freedom and retain a fair bit of it.

Fair enough, he didn’t start any wars or get too involved in any. But as bullies do he enabled the Middle Eastern bully Netanyahu to further crush the Palestinians and steal more of their land and homes.

Nah. It’s just the biggest thing going. Vaccines? You sound like Trump! The vaccines were joint ventures by labs round the world. We need America for inspiration? You’re losing it. Inspire us to do what? Be racist? Call ourselves a democracy but discourage and prevent millions from voting? What’s with the xenophobia all of a sudden? Value freedom? C’mon! You are sounding like a Trump shill.

I watched the impeachment trial and the bullshit you have come out with there is just the same bullshit that was spouted during the trial. Completely deluded but convinced of their own admired place in the world.

Things heating up nicely here

Possible game changer here as the senate votes to call witnesses.

That’s just an anti-American rant, Sidney levels of delusion.

The vaccines (Pfizer, AZ, Moderna, J&J) were funded and developed by US and UK private corporations and the US and UK governments, both of whom loony leftists like you hate. Hopefully you admit getting the vulnerable vaccinated should be the highest priority for governments currently. As of today the UK is at 27% vaccinated, the US at 15%, and the EU is at 5%. Those are facts not bullshit, getting the job done as opposed to being mired down in bureaucracy and incompetency like the EU.

Yes I value freedom, and thankfully we still have some. There is no way the bullshit going on in Ireland would be accepted here, the 2km nonsense and fining people for leaving the country. Inspire you to do what? Maybe grow a pair of balls and tell your morons in government to get fucked.


Wasting your time with the mentallers. Covid not being a cod and Trump’s loss has driven them bananas altogether.

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Says the boy who ranted:

And what would you know about Sidney. Sure you weren’t here when Sid was posting here.

You’re some cunt of a nation. By the end of the month you’ll have half a million dead you freedom loving twat. You value freedom? Which of the white right groups do you subscribe to? Proud Boys? Oathkeepers? You’re a fuckin racist living in a racist country with delusions about how the rest of the world sees you.

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Aye I know. I’m finished now.

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Hi Sid.

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It was a surprise to both Democrats and Republicans. Opens up a whole range of possibilities as both sides can call witnesses, which will prolong things. Not sure it’s good for Democrats.

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