US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

A valiant attempt to enlighten them.

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Are they no longer voting on this later?

No witnesses, closing arguments, will probably vote later tonight.

It’s astonishing that they really believe that Murica is some shining example of justice and democracy that the whole world admires and hopes to emulate when it is actually a racist plutocracy that most of the world despises.

Ah they’re mental alright.

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Vote commencing

Acquitted. What a surprise.

McConnell with a scathing attack on Trump after voting to acquit him.

Mitch having his cake and eating it. What a spineless gutless cunt.


Someone pick poor @Lazarus up off the floor.

The Dems have had their circus. Now they need to start governing.


Simple as

The GOP haven’t a screed of integrity.

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The Don got to walk all over the cunts one last time


Biden is too busy signing executive orders. At this rate, he’ll have surpassed Trump’s numbers before summer is out.

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LOL :joy:

Totally Acquitted

The only president to smash impeachment twice. Some operator.

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Mitch 1 Don 0

You’re the death of the GOP. As @myboyblue might put it. Your a nawful man.

Any word from AOC?