US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Still traumatised from when someone looked at her sideways in whatever building she was in while the ‘insurrection’ was ongoing

I didn’t really follow that. She said she hid while trump’s lads were searching for her. Others said she was making it up. Is there a smoking gun?

She coulda been kilt.

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Stone dead!

The GOP will be fine one feels . Today could be the high water mark for the Dems . A big indignation fest but that will be over quick and the task of governing begins

I think the GOP will fracture. A third Thrumpist super looney party and the less mental rump.

The misogynists are flying it

I would think there is a bigger chance of Democrat party fracturing . Often parties in power more liable .

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Particularly as the political climate is poisonous and has been getting worse for years. Add in the constant barrage of negativity from the media. Everything Biden does will be under enormous scrutiny and any fuck ups amplified. Will be interesting to see how CNN and the likes cover it, will they engage in investigative journalism? When there are fuckups by the Biden administration and there will be, will they actually cover them critically or make excuses for them?

Will Chris Cuomo investigate his brother for not just overseeing the deaths of 15,000 people in nursing homes in New York, infected by patients who were Covid positive being send back to nursing homes from hospitals, 9,000 in total. And lied for 6 months that the number of dead was 50% lower. My bet is CNN will only cover it if they are shamed into it. It’s a challenge for Biden who repeatedly said Cuomo was the gold standard for how to deal with Covid, gold standard for deaths all right.

Having said that I do have faith in Caitlyn Collins, I don’t think she’s afraid to ask the hard questions, and has a bit of cut about her.


Who despises America? Why would Ireland or Irish people? Do you think the 300,000 Irish people who either work for US multinationals in Ireland or in supporting companies, 20% of the entire Irish workforce and a huge percentage of the well paying jobs, despise America? How about the people actually genuinely dependent on welfare (rather than ripping off the country) paid for by corporate tax revenues from US MNCs? Do you know how much this is? Doubt if they hate America. I could go on but I’m sure you get the point.

You have to simply laugh at the hate for America from woke leftists in Ireland.


I hole so, and the Democrats with them. It’s practically democratic monarchy stakeholder capitalist hybrid at this stage. Trump upset the apple cart a little, but order has been restored. Fuck the lot of them.

If I wasn’t 75% Italian I’d want to be 75% American

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They’re a fuckin joke.When they grow up they’ll eventually cop on.

I definitely don’t hate america and I don’t think even among ‘woke leftists’, there would be a majority. In fairness though the Oliver stone documentary series (biased as it obviously is) was an eye opener to me in terms of their historical role even if its obviously very complex. Id say a big majority of the world hates them.

Teflon fucking Don.

Oliver Stone is a crank, a Hollywood nutcase.

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I genuinely don’t know but I would be very surprised if there wasn’t a big element of truth in his documentary. Cia involvement in coups around the developing world propping up right wing dictatorships who actually acted against normal people’s interests etc.

I can’t wait for the Donald to return in 3 years time and boot that cunt Harris towards Alcatraz.

The only interest the US has had in terms of foreign policy since WWII is in safeguarding capitalism. Like it or not it’s the only system we have that generates wealth, humans aren’t wired to do anything else.

It all basically comes down to who do I believe more you or Oliver? I’m not being sarcastic it’s a conundrum.

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