US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Think about it. What have empires tried to do in history? Expand trade and make more money for themselves and let the crumbs fall to the peasants. But it works, global poverty has been almost eradicated, actual real poverty not the western kind. Capitalism is as good as it gets, the alternatives where governments get more control are truly scary.

100pc it is not black and white no matter what the woke leftists think. Iā€™m still not sure the lads the Americans backed were better than the alernative though. I believe not but weā€™ll never know. One thing is for sure they are definitely not the ā€˜good guysā€™ they think they are.

No shit?


I thought this lawyer fella was a bit sore on the young lady here, entertaining as it is.
Could someone objective, impartial etc explain what this doctored evidence stuff is all about? @Lazarus maybe, or @POTUS?

Iā€™d say the people who were murdered by Pinochet didnā€™t take much consolation in the fact he was a capitalist or those murdered by the Shah in Iran. Look what that spawned?

Nancy failed at impeachment 2 times

I am?

You do understand the difference between the Internet and Reality ? :wink:

Let me rephrase that.

[sarcasm]Youā€™ll be the death of the GOP[/sarcasm]

A press secretary fired within a few weeks of taking office:

seething night live

He had to go


OH Ron DeSantis

A glimmer of light

Another place that had little or no lockdown and the world didnā€™t fall in

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Do you know, I just remembered what Trump did in Syria in the Autumn of 2019. Maybe you forgot too. He betrayed the Kurds who had been his staunchest allies against ISIS. He withdrew US troops and left the Kurdish forces to the mercy of their worst enemy - Erdogan and the Turks. He didnā€™t take the troops home. His excuse was that they were left there to protect the oilfields - not humans, OIL.

Thereā€™s your hero. But Iā€™d guess thatā€™s OK with you. Itā€™s the capitalist thing to do.

Stand back and stand by?


Great, so you agree with the point that former President Trump was the most peaceful President in decades.


Only going to reply to you once, fuckwit.

I already conceded that he didnā€™t start any wars. He laid the foundations for future\continuing conflicts. And as I pointed out above, heā€™s a treacherous cunt.
Politically, over the last 4\5 years he shafted anybody who disagreed with him. What he did to the Kurds was the act of a ā€œmanā€ without morals or any sense of loyalty to those who had literally put their lives on the line for him.

Of course, weā€™ve seen something similar quite recently.

Republican representatives who donā€™t accept his narrative are RINOs. And worse. Those unfortunate members of the insurrectionist mob that he directed towards the Capitol should now, he declares, face the full force of the law.

Heā€™s a leader you need to keep in front of you lest he stabs you in the back.