US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

We have a new president mate, he’s called Joe Biden. Hopefully Joe doesn’t start any new wars and we don’t see the insanity reemerge of nation building in the Middle East.
Time to move on.

Very weak response.

Lyin’ Ted was just dropping his daughter off in Cancun, like a regular dad dropping their kid off at the mall

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Incredibly touching words from TIFPOTUS. Is this the day he finally became president?

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Great, so you are re-confirming that former President Trump was the most peaceful President in decades. Good man.


Reach for the stars as one of the greatest bands of all time would say.

Physically a strong guy, hit the ball a long way…

Did Ted Cruz really fuck off to Mexico when his state were suffering massive power cuts?

Meanwhile darling of the gulag AOC is raising millions for the deplorables. You really have to admire her, it’s up there with Matthew o tooled ordering arlene a book on brexit offa Amazon

Amazing woman

Joe waited for almost a week before declaring an emergency and releasing additional funds for Texas.

Joe seems to have been asleep at the wheel.

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There’s lads on here who’d dose their kids to the eyeballs just for the sake of being deeply, deeply conservative

The Texas lads were secceeding a few weeks ago and now they are cap in hand.

The electric grid in Texas has failed and they are the only state not hooked up to the rest of the country to avoid federal regulations. Gas bastards


Joe’s stitching them up good and proper. Or kamala…whoever is in charge

Most of them have no Gas,that’s the problem

Ted Cruz will sort them out

Ted has overcome the adversity of finding out his dad shot JFK and his wife is ugly. Poor fella deserves a break in Cancun.

Not to mention his porn addiction