US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

It was a Maria Bailey job. She went on with her insider friend Sean and couldnā€™t help herself despite him going easy on her. Same happened here.

Serious lack of outrage on here over the 12000 or so kids in cages at the American border. @Tierneevin1979 is it being talked about much over there or do people not care now that Trump is gone?

Isnā€™t Phoney Kamala sorting it out?

Itā€™s 15,500 now and theyā€™re called ā€œmigrant facilities for childrenā€, not cages.

Some random person on twitter says she on her holidays in California.

The land of the ā€œfreeā€ and the home of the ā€œbraveā€.

He has the head of a cunt anyway.

Jesus it all kicked off on Minneapolis again. A 20 year old black lad shot buy a cop who said she mistakenly drew her firearm instead of her tazer

Sweet Lord :frowning:

Ah theyā€™re not even trying any more ffs sake :laughing:


Thick cunt resists arrest, an even thicker cunt shoots him by mistake. MERICA.

It could happen to a bishop

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A bishop is more likely to mistake his Mickey with a Mars bar with an alter boy

Thereā€™ll be some savage peaceful protests because of this

Thatā€™s what happens when you defund the police. Theyā€™ve no money now to hire or train decent police officers. They need to start funding them again.

Wrong Fred

Is it racist if a say they were all balck?

What an oooft from @Thomas_Bradyā€™s cousin