US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

The pic doesn’t do her justice. Governor Noam is a cracking bird

A MILF And soon to be GILF

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She’s for Lockes thread.

@Labane better get shredding

But but Hunter Bidens laptop or something?

The chyron on tucker a minute ago said ‘Hunter Biden is doing really great right now’

Joe’s first address to Congress at the top of the hour.

Joe calls out the Swiss Bermuda and Cayman Islands for being tax havens.
But stays true to his Irish roots :clap::clap:

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Couldn’t even manage an elbow bump

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They were going for the elbow to boob bump.

I stood in that very place back in 1984.

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CNN in some trouble here.

I wonder if this rises to the required level to be cancelled, or will it be excused as harmless banter.

These people are morons, your honour and so cannot beheld accountable for their actions
The defense rests.

Watkins, the “Q Shaman” Jacob Chansley’s attorney, said his client had Asperger’s syndrome and indicated that Chansley’s mental state — and the impact of Trump’s “propaganda” efforts — would play a role in his case.

“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.”

“But they’re our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers — they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.”

What are ‘short-bus’ people?

Trumps America. Of which @POTUS, @dodgy_keeper and a few others on here subscribed to.

Not sure what you do with that.

That attorney could soon find himself cancelled what with the amount of politically incorrect language he managed to cram into that short statement.