US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


I was a short-bus kid.

Did the virus escape from a lab in Wuhan which was funded by Biden / Obama?

Nah, it was Fauci & the Cuomo brothers.
Clinton and O’Bummer (take that, libtards) were too busy torturing kids for adrenochrone.


You need to lay off the conspiracy theories

There are reasons to believe that Trump supporters are IQ deficient. Their lawyer is saying as much. Keep up the good work.

wow @mikehunt , are you having a bad day?

I hope things get better for you. All the best.

You seem surprised to have been called a bit dim.

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You are ok @mikehunt . Keep up the good fight.

This is fine

Republican policy in a nutshell: make it as easy as possible to carry a loaded AR-15, make it as difficult as possible to vote if you’re likely to vote Democratic.

Have you read the bill ?

Nope but given the BBC’s less than sterling reputation I took the liberty of checking other sites and they’re along the same lines. NRA quoted in many as being very happy so, like I said in the post above, this is fine. It’s nice that we agree.

ok, can you let us know what your point was going to be then?

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Who let that cunt back on Twitter

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I believe I made the point over 2 separate posts that it’s fine. Why so chippy?

It’s been a tough 2 weeks for him.