US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Yes, it’s tough at the top.

But it’s tougher at the bottom, as you well know @myboyblue

If this is what you’re reduced to, I’m just gonna let you have it

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A fucking modern day nostradamus. Way ahead of his time

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Trump played this one very badly. Bigly badly. The left have mugged him off.


ANTIFA in the White House!

Struggling Don?

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Did he forget the login?

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Did China build the COVID-19 virus and did the Obama / Biden administration pay for it ?

I think the answer to the above is provided by Fauci when being questioned by Senator John Kennedy last week.

They provided the Wuhan lab with the funding, and then took the word of the scientists over there that they would not engage with Gain of function research.

The video is 5 minutes and worth watching

Fachi is lying. The published work from the Wuhan lab describes gain of function research as does the published work from UNC where batwoman learned the techniques. He is using a semantic argument to obfuscate and lie.

The problem is nobody questioning Fachi knows anything about virology research. They should bring in an expert to grill him and he would probably take the fifth.

The research he is claiming is not gain of function involved taking coronaviruses and inserting sequences from other viruses into them to see if they would become.more likely to infect humans. Doesn’t sound at all dangerous. Especially in a lab that had the security level of a waxing salon.

I’m sure @Lazarus is so proud of his old mucker Tucker right now.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

I just hope Fauci didn’t mislead Ryan Tubridy. The LLS audience can be very unforgiving.


The TFK wokies will lose their shit when Tucker and Joe Rogan win a Pulitzer for their work on uncovering this mess.