US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


Wow who knew. The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.

Oh Dear


I see Hunter Biden is a racist now. The “N” word has no place in a civilised society. He probably didn’t lick the racism off a stone either. I can’t imagine the public outcry had this been any of the Trump siblings.

Hunter was just having a bit of crack.

He must have picked up that language as a child in his home. His father hung around with a number of people with questionable records on race.

I presume CNN, The NYT and BLM are going to look to cancel Hunter now :thinking:

I’m not sure the communist news network would have an interest in bringing down a Chinese asset in the Bidens. Journalism died a long time ago.

Hunter Biden should resign from whatever it is he’s doing these days.

Also it’s been fascinating to see @johnnysachs disappear down the rabbit hole over the last couple of years.

At least you know the other guy is just a wind up. :wink:

Kamala is giving a press conference in Mexico City at the moment. She continues to struggle when she is repeatedly asked about why she has refused to visit the border.


The First Lady had a lovely way about her.

What a speech from the President. I believe the Irish poet quote came from Heaney this time

‘‘If my British hosts will excuse me quoting from the Declearation of Independence’’ :rofl: :rofl:
Some absolute top drawer wumming here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yeats reference now

A marker has been laid down


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Should you celebrate this chap?

Osama was disowned by his whole extended family decades before 911. Irrelevant that she’s his niece really