US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Lordy. That cop just lost his job and is going to jail

He needs to get tae fuck.

It’s remarkable that the far right posters here who defend this kind of conduct among Republicans suddenly think it’s a problem when it comes to Democrats.


Do you think it’s ok because their Democrat?

The complete absence of morals of the far left is on full display. Justice Kavanaugh was deemed guilty of rape for a bit of horseplay 35 years when he was a minor in high school, but turn a blind eye to the sex pest Cuomo because he is “one of us”. Cancel culture at it’s finest.


Isn’t it full of paedo’s. They’ll legalise that yet.

Obviously not. He should resign now.

The difference between the broad body of reality based opinion and the Republicans is that the broad body of reality based opinion has genuine moral standards.

Republicans and “anti-woke” blowhards don’t. Republicans and “anti-woke” blowhards only have “moral standards” when it’s a non-Republican involved in this sort of thing.

Sidney used to be a big fan of those sick bastard Clintons.

Bill was a sex predator.


And a paedo.

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Defending a rapist, now. Not a good look, mate.

Serial rapist Harvey Weinstein was one of Hillary’s biggest donors, but she was obviously comfortable taking favors from sex pests…


Fucking hell, a bit rich coming from Bill Clinton’s biggest fanboy.

Didn’t she marry one

Post reported. Trying to get the site closed down again.

Accusing a public figure of a crime they have not been charged with is a criminal offense. @Rocko should expect to hear from Justice Kavanaugh’s attorneys.

You consistently defended Kavanaugh and vilified his victim. As a display of rampant misogyny and George Hook style creepiness, it was an absolute doozy.

It’s a very bad look that you’re tag teaming with the guy who tried to furiously silence discussion about the disgraceful reaction of Celtic FC to the independent report into child sex abuse at that club, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

You have zero moral standards.

Accusing a public figure of a crime who has not been charged of a crime is a criminal offense. It exposes you for the sad hateful dangerous scumbag you are.

I don’t think you should be lecturing anyone on morals.

You only have “moral standards” when a Democrat is involved. When it’s a Republican, you back them to the hilt and engage in deflection and sick Fox News propaganda.

You were consistently silent about Trump’s litany of sexual harassment, credible rape accusations and credible accusations of paedophilia.

As were the other Trump cheerleaders like @Tim_Riggins and @Enrique.

To you and them, anything to do with rape and sexual harassment is purely political.

And your slimy, creepy defences of Republicans are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the “anti-woke” brain rot crowd on this forum.

Seems like Trump is the bigliest scammer of all time

But his scam fund raising shouldn’t really be the biggest worry for American “democracy”. He told the AG to declare the election corrupt and “leave the rest to him”. Anybody who truly has America’s best interests at heart should surely be justa little bit concerned about that.