US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Well this aged well!

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I think you need to learn the difference between being accused of a crime, being charged with a crime, and being convicted of a crime. Harvey Weinstein for example has been convicted of rape so it is morally and legally OK to call him a rapist. Accusing someone of rape who has not been charged with rape is a criminal offense (Justice Kavanaugh), as is referring to someone as a rapist who was found not guilty (Paddy Jackson).

You have a long record of accusing fellow posters and public figures of criminal activity. These are the actions of a scumbag with zero morals, and you have clearly learned nothing from your prior banning.

You should be banned again, to save yourself from yourself.

Faced with facts, you chose the meltdown route. Well done.

And you’re completely proving me right in my assessment of you as somebody who doesn’t take the issue of rape, sexual harassment or even child sex abuse seriously, employs complete double standards, and only sees such issues as fodder to unleash deranged INTERNET forum bile.

As is always the case with extreme right wing posters like you and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

Just because you say it, doesn’t make it so.

Your opinion of me is of zero interest to me, I am merely exposing you as the low life scumbag you are. Something I’m sure you’re proud of, like all sociopaths.

Everyone to the right of him is extreme right, which is everyone.

Ah, so we’re here again.


I say it because it is so.

It’s not my problem if you can’t handle the truth.

I’m not the person who frantically went anonymous here because the FBI was onto them.

Although I’m pretty sure the latter part of that can be filed under the TNH category.

I’m a moderate, common sense European style socialist.

I have the FBI eating out of my hand.

Who votes for the Trotskyite party.

I voted 1 Green and 2 Labour last time, mate. You can call that communist if you like but it just makes you very silly.

The grift is not meant to end, it is meant to be continuous

This is a bit long but god damn if it doesn’t warm the heart. The bit with Scott Baio that starts around 20.25 is hilarious.

@Cheasty and @TheBlackSpot are defending the actions of Cuomo :mask:

@Rocko , you might want to keep an eye on those two individuals.

Fascists never hide what they are. They always tell you. While simultaneously denying it.

Never smile at a crocodile.

Is that a TAN SUIT :scream:

He’s clearly a puppet of Hussein Obomber

Good to see Sleepy Joe dressing for the heat cc @Lazarus

Bertie pioneered the statesmanlike pale suit look.

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Sleepy Joe has locked himself back into the Basement.