US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Ballot Harvesting - Election Fraud?

you did however hide your profile here so people couldnt dig up some of your ā€œedgierā€ post before your damascene conversion

I think youā€™ll find all 37 of my profiles here are public and searchable, even @McGeady1916.

Well it is harvest season after all

Will he be President for much longer?

Heā€™ll probably survive this term . His number two has gone missing. The Don laid the trap and sleepy joe bought it

A few radical left folks on here wanted SJ. They own this result.

God bless the troops, God bless America

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Trump will walk all Biden in 24, thatā€™s if even survives this shambles

I thought this senile old useless cunt Biden was a catholic

Itā€™s hard to be a Catholic for a long time. You could trace it back to burning people at the stake or atrocities against children, but the cunts have had a relatively easy ride. No worse than other religions I suppose. Protestants the worst obviously along with the Islamists. Even the Buddhists have had a go at genocide.

$10,000 bounty for grassing abortions up in The Handmaids Texas might make life easier for the poor catholics.

As our fair and balanced man otg and itk, do you think this is the starting gun for the real assault on Roe v Wade?

In southern red states yes, itā€™s been brewing for a long time. I donā€™t see Roe v Wade even being overturned, but the current Supreme court is unlikely to block states imposing some abortion restrictions, they just voted today not to block the Texas law. The Texas law is a very bizarre law effectively delegating legislation from the legislative branch to the populace.

SCOTUS doing what they were appointed to do by not doing anything in the face of these fucking conservative christian cunts.
Without doubt, Trumps top ā€˜achievementā€™.

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The lefts bizarre obsession with abortion continues


Behold The Handmaidā€™s Tale made flesh.

Texas needs to fall in

Sure who needs the Taliban when you have the Republican party.

Presumably Abbott means rape will now be legal, so there will be no such thing as a rapist under Texas law.

And yet that left wing utopia venuezela has the most draconian anti abortion laws.