US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Those CIA bastards made them do that.

Over 40 Million cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. Joe has lost control.

Joe’s own VP promoting Vaccine hesitancy

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He has been banned from receiving Communion in many churches.

The Pro-abortion crowd aren’t happy.



Bad night for the Democrats

Trump now the bookies favourite for 2024

Great night for Humanity

This is devastating for Democrats, but also completely predictable. It comes down to two issues…

  1. Joe Biden’s approval rating has plummeted from 55% to 42%, as the perception is he is a zombie and the progressive left are setting the agenda. 70% of Americans including 50% of Democrats think the country is going in the wrong direction.
  2. The Democratic governor publicly said that parents should have no say in their children’s education. Virginia parents told him to get fucked.

Wrong. Within the Democratic party, the Exxon funded Joe Manchin and the bought and paid for by big business Kyrsten Sinema are setting the agenda.

These are DINOs, they are basically Republicans.

Within American politics as a whole, the agenda is being set by the industrial fascist propaganda machine of the right-wing media and the American Nazi party.

Fascist propaganda works. It’s as true in 2020s America as it was in 1930s Germany.

You have openly called for the banning of critical race theory - ie. a banning of the teaching of a non-white supremacist version of American history.

And yet now you’re claiming that a Republican was elected because parents want critical race theory taught in Virginia (it currently isn’t)?

Like, seriously, what the actual fuck. :grinning:

Is there no beginning to your understanding of anything?

Putin nails it here.

But…but…insurrection…when all it was was a few eejits in taking selfies and souvenirs, with a handful of headerballs in the mix. But for MSNBC and CNN, it was an attempted coup, and no your not allowed examine what it was, they’ll tell you how to think. Great to see the silent majority, of both parties, standing up to woke nonsense.


It was an attempted coup.

And if the US had a justice system worthy of the name Trump and half the Republican party would be in prison over it.

It’s quite telling that you’re quoting Putin in admiration.

Shows you up for the authoritarian thug you are.

The pivotal moment in the Virginia race was the rape of a girl in school by a boy dressed in a skirt pretending to be a girl. The school board, made up of woke arseholes, tried to deny it happened and moved the boy on to another school where he raped another girl. CNN and MSNBC portrayed the girl’s dad who protested at a school meeting as a “domestic terrorist”.

That’s what ordinary people are dealing with, woke insane nutcases who side with rapists over their victims.


OK David Duke.

An attempted coup. Mother of Jesus


Mother of Jesus.

The real issue.

“Anti-woke” = “shut up n…”

@maroonandwhite and @Tierneevin1979 say “shut up n…”

@Tierneevin1979 will then point to a black person who says something he likes, and he will use it to dismiss racism. The con trick all racists use.

America is fucked. Nazi propaganda worked in Gemany. And by jaysus it’s working in America, and on this forum too.