US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Trump will walk it in 2024

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Translated for the rest of us: “shut up n…r”.

There’s a reason you frantically deleted your previous profile. It was because you knew full well it was full of white supremacist shit that you could not stand over in your real life and were scared to shit it would get out.

Funny how lads here didn’t have a problem when teachers in Texas were instructed to give the “opposing view” of the Holocaust.

The “opposing view” being, one can only presume that it never happened.

That’s the sort of “choice” the right-wing nuts here and in the American Nazi party are just fine with.

But teach about the Tulsa massacre by whites against blacks of 1921? No fucking way.

ahem, Biden is the President with the vaccine mandate.

Vaccine mandates have been used for hundreds of years in the US. The actual “founding fathers” used them.

And with good reason - they’re an actual common sense public health measure - which fruit loops like you and the other self-hating creeps who cheerlead fascism oppose because you don’t give a fuck about public health or the freedom of people to not have to suffer a needless extra existential threat to their lives being inflicted on them every day.

wrong again angry man, where have I posted against vaccines?

You can’t read, can you?

You just called vaccine mandates “authoritarian thuggishness”.

But you were unaware that they have been used in the US for hundreds of years.

You were unaware that the Republican party, which you support, pretends to be unaware of that fact while they mendaciously claim that the founding fathers would have been against vaccine mandates.

Liars who spit on history.

try again angry man. show me where I posted against vaccines. You cannot.

Republican Party supporter? Show the crowd your proof Mr Angry Man.

Get stuffed you troll.

let the record show, your credibility is zero ‘Cheasty’

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She is spot on.

He did it!

God he’s so predictable.

If he’s still alive, he’ll be hard to stop

You won’t hear a word about this censorship of academics from @Tierneevin1979.

Doesn’t suit his reality denying extreme right wing narrative.

But you can scarcely get two more important issues than functioning, FAIR democracy (ie. not the fake type the Republicans want), and public health.

This is the real censorship, and it isn’t the loons on the far right who suffer from it.

The loons on the far right - like our friends who pollute this thread - support censorship.

Opinion: The case of Ron DeSantis and the muzzled professors takes another dubious turn

By Greg Sargent


Today at 4:48 p.m. EDT

Last week, we learned that the University of Florida barred three professors from testifying as expert witnesses in a lawsuit challenging the voter suppression law that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed earlier this year. A bit of scrutiny showed the university’s rationale to be strange and inexplicable.

Now this story has taken another dubious turn. The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that the university banned a fourth professor from testifying in other lawsuits brought against another DeSantis policy: His ban on mask requirements in schools.

The fourth professor, pediatrician Jeffrey L. Goldhagen, said he was asked to testify on behalf of parents suing DeSantis, his commissioner of education and two state agencies over his July executive order banning school officials from implementing mask requirements. That policy has drawn intense national scrutiny amid a rebellion against it among parents and teachers.

Goldhagen is a professor at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine, and the university denied his request to testify. Its rationale was as follows: “As UF is an extension of the state as a state agency, litigation against the state is adverse to UF’s interests.”

That’s similar to the rationale the university has offered to bar the three professors from testifying in the lawsuit against Florida’s new voting restrictions, which DeSantis signed on Fox News.

But again, this rationale makes no sense on its face. Why would it be contrary to the interests of the university to have its professors testify in high profile lawsuits that involve matters of great public concern and draw a lot of media attention?

When I asked the university to explain this, a spokesperson told me that the university views such testimony as testimony “against the state,” and since the university is “part of the state,” that would make this “adverse to the university’s interests.”

That’s highly dubious. Even if the university is “part of the state,” how is it against the university’s interests for this testimony to occur?

As one of those three professors told me, he repeatedly testified in lawsuits challenging state laws in the past — yet the university approved this.

What’s more, doesn’t the university compromise its independence — not to mention the independence of its professors — by constraining itself from weighing in on any lawsuit against a policy favored by state politicians?

“It’s about the inability of academic institutions to withstand the assault of hyper-pernicious partisan politics,” Goldhagen told me.

One rather important thing that has changed since the university allowed such testimony is that DeSantis is now governor. DeSantis has major allies on the university’s board of trustees, one of whom is both a major GOP donor and top DeSantis adviser.

What’s unclear is whether they are behind this decision. The lawyers suing to challenge the voter suppression law want to question him, but he has resisted.

Now we’re learning that Goldhagen, too, was blocked from testifying against another nationally scrutinized DeSantis policy, the ban on mask mandates.

The stakes here are high. At a time when GOP state legislatures are passing laws restricting voting and banning mask mandates and critical race theory everywhere, professors from universities in those states might want to serve as expert witnesses in lawsuits against them.

What happens if the University of Florida’s ban on such testimony succeeds?

“This intrusion into academic freedom needs to be stopped here, because otherwise it could become a playbook for other states, Republican or Democratic controlled," David O’Neil, a lawyer for the three professors on the voting rights lawsuit, told me in a statement.

“If the University of Florida perpetuates this policy, it will set a precedent for universities nationally," Goldhagen added. "That’s a very dangerous precedent to establish. Because in many ways, universities are a bedrock of democracy.”

Great to see the Democrats being told to take a hike in Virginia. Only 9 months in and the American people can already see through the batshit, loony, socialist policies and the complete bollocks that is CRT. Inflation, energy crises, crime epidemic, all problems of the Democrats policies.

Ron 2024 is a certainty. USA USA USA.


According to the expert pundits, Democrats lost Virginia because all those white women voters who voted for Biden are now racists.

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And the black woman elected as Lt. Governor is a white supremacist


2024 will be an utter embarrassment for the democrats

They’ve been taken over by @Cheasty type characters.People hate them kind of fuckers.No wonder the Republican party are winning.



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