US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Terry McAulffe was the most milquetoast centrist possible, you twat.

You’ve gone off the reservation into crazyland.

The problem with these type of people is beneath all the hysterics and handwringing, they are deeply nasty people who don’t really practice what they preach.

I’d always be aware of the people who shout the loudest. It’s ironic when their own cancel culture is what gets them in the end.

As far as American politics go, there’s no real difference between the Democrats and Republicans - the Democrats just try and pretend more.

It’s amazing how these wokesters refuse to call out the evil predator Bill Clinton.


Says the guy with proven record of denigrating “n.,”.

Mr “parents have no role in education” mcauliffe a centrist?

How come he didn’t fire scott ziegler if he’s a centrist. Surely someone of that central a platform would be more than happy to get rid of someone who tried to cover up sexual assaults?

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Do you admit the Republicans are all about racist censorship?

What is their vilification and banning of critical race theory if not racist censorship?

I asked you a simple question. Please have the good grace to respond to my question

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Answer the question, Art, the one that’s actually relevant.

What is happening in America now is not normal politics. It is not remotely related to normal politics. It is the fight between democracy and dictatorship.

The Republicans stand firmly on the side of dictatorship.

The dictatorship of corporate oligarchy and the dictatorship of racism.

The would be dictators have the mass propaganda on their side.

And like all truly organised fascist movements, they have bought off some of the other side to stop any sort of mild progressive change going through. Manchin and Sinema are 100% in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry and big business.

This means there is no functioning normal politics at a national level in the US.

Do you admit these truths?

I’m asking you a very simple question and you seem to be fixated on turning it into something else.

Which is bizarre given your strident posts on rape and sexual assault in the past.

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Answer the question like a good lad, Art.

It’s a prerequisite before I or anybody who posts in good faith here take you in any way seriously.

I’d like to make reference to my earlier post.

You don’t seem much condemnation of Bill Clinton and his predatory past despite him using victims of sexual assault to score points. There’s something deeply cynical and nasty about people who try to use victims in this way but are happy to casually ignore other victims where it’s their own beliefs under the microscope.


look its 101 is that you dont answer a question with a rant about racist republicans dressed up as a question

im not playing your zero sum game and im sure that “anyone who posts here in good faith” would be unlikely to engage with you in any event

I don’t see any other posters apart from myself posting in good faith. That’s the point.

This thread has become a sewer where the forum’s resident racists gather around to troll and cheerlead America’s descent into fascism.

amazing how everyone who doesnt agree with you is guilty of thought crime, how very facist

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This lad is surely a wum

You think the problem with the Democrats is the sensible progressives.

Not the bought and paid for by fossil fuels and big business Manchin and Sinema.

Now that’s wumming.

You’d hope so, anyway, because if you actually believe it, you’re living in a fantasy world.

Carville wants you out lad
James Carville Rips Democrats Over Election Losses: Some Need ‘Woke Detox Center’

“Anti-woke” is white supremacism.

He doesn’t have the intelligence to make a rational argument anyway.

A typical Dunning-Kruger effect.

He asked you a simple question and you responded with a big long diatribe and a question in response. That’s not “posting in good faith”. It’s real silly stuff.

You seem to have an endless need to post about US politics on here. Art is generally sound enough - apart from from his fear and misogyny towards younger women - so why when he engages with you can’t you reply to his simple question before carrying on with your big long single transferrable post that you’re going to carry on with anyway?


Here’s what he did. He decided to buy into the right wing witch hunt campaign by using a sexual assault by a male (for which the male was convicted) to demonise trans people.

What about my posts is inaccurate?

I post about US politics because it’s relevant to all of us that the most influential country in the world is genuinely threatened with descending into a fascist hellhole.

Do you agree with that or do you not?

And what is your point for posting here?

Read about what actually happened here.

Conservatives Wrongly Portrayed the Loudoun County Sexual Assault as a Transgender Bathroom Issue

The perpetrator did not target a random student, and he did not choose the girls bathroom because of his gender identity.

ROBBY SOAVE | 11.1.2021 10:11 AM

In June, a male student in a skirt reportedly assaulted a female classmate in a public school bathroom in Loudoun County, Virginia. It was a story that appeared to confirm the conservative media’s worst fears about how predatory men could theoretically take advantage of accommodations for transgender people in order to harm young girls, and it touched off a wave of protests—with the victim’s father, Scott Smith, at the center of them.

But it was substantially misreported in order to fit a conservative social agenda. Anyone on the right who makes a habit of complaining—often justifiably—about the mainstream media gullibly succumbing to viral stories that fit their priors ought to denounce this as well.

Smith, the father, was arrested for loudly protesting at a school board meeting on June 22. Cops bloodied him, placed him in handcuffs, and charged him with obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct. When it later emerged that Smith was angry with district officials because he thought they weren’t doing anything about his daughter’s rape, he became a conservative folk hero, and was interviewed repeatedly by right-leaning media. The Daily Wire led the charge, seizing on an opportunity to embarrass both the mainstream media and the federal government for portraying hostile parents as akin to “domestic terrorists.”

The Daily Wire 's interview with Smith portrayed the idea that the daughter’s assailant was “gender fluid” as central to the story. The implicit idea is that the perpetrator wore a skirt in order to gain access to the women’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School and carry out the attack. Over the summer, Loudoun County approved a new policy making it easier for transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their choice, and thus a connection was established between this policy and what happened to Smith’s daughter.

That policy wasn’t actually implemented until August, it turns out. But even if the school had begun enforcing it before that, there’s no reason to think the assailant’s actions had anything to do with accommodations for trans people.

That’s because the assailant and the victim had a relationship, and had met in the bathroom for sexual activity previously. According to The Washington Post :

On Monday, the teenage victim of the Stone Bridge assault testified that she and her attacker had agreed to meet up in a school bathroom around 12:15 p.m. on the date of the assault. She testified they had not explicitly discussed having sex beforehand.

The teen testified she arrived first and chose to go in the girls’ bathroom because the two had always met in the girls’ bathrooms in the past. When the boy arrived, the teen testified, he came into the handicapped stall she was in and locked the door.

The two talked, before the girl testified the boy began grabbing her neck and other parts of her body in a sexual manner. She testified she told her attacker she was not in the mood for sex, but he forced himself on her.

“He flipped me over,” the girl testified. “I was on the ground and couldn’t move and he sexually assaulted me.”

The attacker was convicted of what certainly sounds like vicious and violent behavior. But he did not target a random student, and he did not choose the girls bathroom because of his gender identity.

“Obviously, the fact that the girl had previously had consensual sex with the male teenager does not mean that the May 28 incident was not a rape or that it should be treated more leniently,” wrote Cathy Young in a piece for Arc Digital. “But it does mean, at the very least, that the boy did not ambush a random girl after using his supposed ‘genderfluid’ status to enter the bathroom; he and the victim had been using it for prior sexual encounters.”

The Daily Wire 's reporting also gave readers the strong impression that the school was initially reluctant to involve law enforcement in the matter; journalist Jesse Singal obtained police dispatch logs that “strongly dispute” this notion.

None of this means that the matter was handled perfectly by school, police, or district officials—or that Smith’s fury was unjustified. But it does mean that conservatives shouldn’t hold up the Loudoun County sexual assault as a cautionary tale about the supposed dangers of letting trans students use women’s bathrooms. If anything, it’s a cautionary tale about credulously assuming the worst when it would be maximally politically convenient to do so.