US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

i never mentioned trans, gender fluid or anything of the sort.

i was particular with my words. you now seem to be engaging in victim blaming. is there no depths you wont plumb?

ill aks you a simple question, should scott ziegler be sacked?

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You deliberately left out the real issue.

Just admit you were trying to demonise trans people by buying into a right-wing conspiracy.

What the fuck is some school superintendent to do with the Virginia governor’s election?

Not least given that Youngkin is an avowed supporter of a credibly alleged paedophile and serial rapist in Donald Trump?

And how did I victim blame?

Where exactly? Use quotes.

Amazing a virtue signaller can’t address the question. It’s almost like his outrage is merely contrived and completely hollow.


no, i deliberately left out the side issue. the real issue was sexual assaults covered up by ziegler

why would i admit to seomthing i didnt do

because it was a catalyst to education becoming the touchstone issue of the election and represented a swing of 15% from the democrats

You’ve spent years defending the cover up of paedophiles within the IRA.

And you claim to be asexual. :grinning:

Not dodgy a tall a tall. :grinning:

But you did do it.

Right-wingers portrayed a sexual assault by a boy on a girl as an anti-trans issue.

The issue was nothing to do with trans people.

You are now claiming it did.

And you’re also lying about me being a “victim blamer”.

You are the person that is deflecting blame off the perpetrator and onto trans people.

Some of you might remember a time gone by where Sid defended the IRA and SF handling of the Mairia Cahill affair.

I guess we can see that he treated rape allegations like football teams, it doesn’t depend on the allegation or the veracity of it, to him it depends on who it is being alleged against and whether he is supportive of them or not.

That’s the problem with virtue signalers, ultimately they turn out to be completely insincere and hollow about the things they go radio rental about. They can scream and shout about how righteous they are - we know it’s a lie.

That’s an outright lie

Right wingers may have done so but I didn’t and the audit trail clears me and damns you

By buying into the right-wing framing, you did.

but i didnt and the audit trail shows that, and shows that you attempted victim blaming

You’re lying again, Art.

no im not, youre the one who introduced the trans/gender fluid thing, threw in the victims previous sexual history and id just like to add the point that the rapist has been convicted

Which you conveniently left out.

Lying by omission.

au contraire, as you introduced it youre now lying by addition

He asked a simple question and you refused to respond to it.

You have an obsession with posting about this stuff and yet when someone engages with you you refuse to respond in good faith.

It seems that you prefer to trade big long repetitive diatribes with that racist weirdo labane over and over again. I honestly don’t get it at all.

I’ve no interest in reading your big long posts or or articles that you copy and paste up. My only point was, that if you want to go on and on about this stuff, why not reply to Art in good faith?


You deliberately omitted it.

May I point out that the point you claimed you added - that the boy had been convicted, was added by me.

You’re not responding in good faith here.

You’re trolling.

As has become your habit since the start of the pandemic.

because the allegation of trans/gender fluid wasnt pertinent to scott ziegler covering up the rape. but you then sought fit to introduce the rape victims sexual history. weird

Can we conclude from this that Sid supports rape if it is committed by parties or political ideology he supports? Seems to be the case when you look at his inability to respond to Art’s fair question.

What? You don’t actually engage with people that want to engage with you. You prefer to trade diatribes with the likes of labane. That’s your level.

If you want to discuss this stuff why not respond to art in good faith instead of launching off into another copy of your manifesto?

You don’t really want to engage, you want to rant. Like labane.