US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

There was no cover up.

Republicans were up in arms with their witch hunt portraying a supposed epidemic of sexual assaults by transgender people against women and girls in school bathrooms.

There were none.

There was an assault by a boy against a girl, for which the boy was convicted.

The entirety of the right-wing media portrayed that boy as transgender. He was not.

That assault - by a boy against a girl - was entirely irrelevant to the supposed epidemic of sexual assaults by trans people against women and girls, which was in fact non-existent.

Virginia had not even implemented any bathroom law.

The entire thing was a right wing witch hunt.

Now youā€™re going crazy claiming I ā€œvictim blamedā€ simply because I linked to an article which described what happened.

Thatā€™s desperate, desperate stuff.

Email shows Loudoun County schools superintendent knew about sex assault in bathrooms | WJLA

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Sure heā€™s the same guy who wonā€™t address Bill Clintonā€™s past either. He will put on a big virtue signaling display and then defend violent sex offenders if they are politically aligned with him.

Thereā€™s a nasty culture on here of a cohort of posters using child abuse or sexual assault as some sort of political football or to score points but will then run for the hills when an allegation or case arises to their political preference or favoured party. Itā€™s lower than a snakeā€™s belly.

Hello pot

Sinclair Broadcast Group, Art. The biggest right-wing propaganda organisation in the US. You can do better than that.

The right-wing framing is that Ziegler covered up an assault by a transgender person against a girl.

He did not.

Such an attack never happened.

An attack by a boy against a girl happened, the perpetrator was convicted.

This was nothing remotely to do with trans issues.

This entire made up story is about nothing other than demonisation of trans people by the insane right wing media.

You knew that when you waded in here.

Hello kettle.

For what anyone says about me, I always treat an internet debate with integrity. Case in point yesterday, I gave my views on the vaccination program, provided the data underpinning my views and linked the source of that data. You had the chance to dispute that and you responded with an anecdote and calling me a liar when I had substantiated my points and referenced where I got my data from. You could have disputed my points but you decided just to call me a liar and post some unverified anecdotes - thatā€™s engaging in bad faith.

You are the expert of engaging in bad faith. You are right about nutjob Sid but you ought to pay more attention to your inability to engage in good faith.

Is this the same case?
Is @Tierneevin1979 encouraging us to believe conservative propaganda?
Surely not! Isnā€™t he a democrat? a middle of the road, non-racist, non-Trump supporting, all round good guy?

You are incredibly consistent Iā€™ll give you that.

I am. I always treat a debate with integrity. Iā€™ll put my argument forward and state the rationale behind it and link it with data and stats if needed. You on the other hand opt for cheap shots and dishonesty. Heed your own advice.

That fella? No, heā€™s a nasty racist scumbag. I understand heā€™s currently on the run from the feds because of it.

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Yes it is. And he was encouraging people to believe insane right wing propaganda.

More surprised at some of the other posters who have jumped on board.

The entirety of right-wing America is a propaganda and lying machine.

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Incidentally, @Tierneevin1979 is the guy who consistently told us that Ivana Trump was talking nonsense when she said that Donald Trump raped her.

And poured scorn on the 20 plus women who allege Donald Trump raped or sexually assaulted them.

And vilified Christine Blasey Ford when she testified against Brett Kavanaugh.

So right wingers defend Trump from rape and think Clinton was a rapist.

And left wingers defend Clinton from rape and think Trump was a rapist.

Maybe both were rapists?


Itā€™s almost like the two sides believe what they want about stuff


There you go confirming your simpleton status again.

My post is entirely accurate. A rape of a child occurred and the boy involved wore a skirt to gain access to the girlā€™s bathroom. Did I mention transgender? That would be no. The school board led by Scott Ziegler denied it happened at a parent meeting, even though they clearly knew it happened. The boy was transferred to another school where he assaulted another girl.

Try not to misrepresent what I say, you are coming across as Sid lite, which isnā€™t a good look.

Says the privileged white boy from Limerickā€™s richest suburb who refers to people he regards as beneath him in social status as ā€œknackersā€.


scott ziegler PTA meeting June 28th

ā€œwe donā€™t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms.ā€

Scott ziegler email 28th May

" ā€œ[t]his afternoon a female student alleged that a male student sexually assaulted her in the restroomā€"


What you are dealing with here is an ideologue who believe everything from left wing sources as gospel and everything from right wing sources as lies. The truth as always lies somewhere in the middle.

You also have the issue of almost all commentary on US matters on this site framed in terms of left versus right, which is the reason most people get US politics wrong. 50% (used to be 40%) of prospective voters in the US now identify as Independent and will vote Democrat or Republican depending on the choice involved. This is how you get Biden winning Virginia by 10 points but McAuliffe losing the governorā€™s race.

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Handily enough to suit your agenda you leave out pertinent information and twist other parts. Youā€™re a racist ignorant jackass. But hey, give us a laugh again.

Tell us again about your fight for Irish freedom!

What information did I leave out or twist Sid lite?

I realize reading comprehension is difficult for you but give it your best shot.