US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Even if Rittenhouse didnā€™t face the prospect of getting defamation settlements heā€™s set for life now. C-pac, NRA and GOP conference appearances all on the way. Doesnā€™t take an idiot to grift the right, if he has half a brain heā€™ll fill his boots


Not a rascist country.

Whatever that is?

Oh yeah, the Rittenhouses can hear the tills ringing already

Justice for Ahmaud!

Having watched bits and pieces of this trial, I had thought that these white bubbas would get off with this. Now to be fair, I would have given Bryan some leeway. Anyway, Iā€™m very happy that this young black manā€™s killing will not pass by.
The jury it should be noted was made up of 11 white and 1 black person.

Maybe there is some fragile hope for the good ol USA


It was a blatant a racist murder as youā€™ll see. It was even more obvious than the George Floyd case


Thereā€™s many a racist murder has gone unpunished.

Thatā€™s true but you could fill a whole thread on that one in a few hours

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Theres no indication that George Floyds murder had anything to do with his race. It was just thuggery.

Yeah, I wouldnt disagree with that either.

The vast majority of people in the US that followed this trial would agree with the verdict.

There are people on this forum who would demand statistics to back that claim up.

Set up a poll there.

You made the claim. Maybe you should set up the poll to see how many posters here believe you. Not that the results of that would be worth a hatfull of shite anyway.

Iā€™ll go with the representative anecdotal sample of people Iā€™ve spoken to here, admittedly a lot of headcases among them but by and large not TFK level of headcase.

Fair enough. Iā€™ll apply that standard going foward

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What made you think theyā€™d get away with it it was very straightforward.

Maybe most people are decent, and the drummed up race war doesnā€™t actually exist outside of twitter and those who profit from it. Open your mind to some education from people on the ground there.

Maybe Iā€™m just pessimistic with regards to US ā€œjusticeā€ and law. The presentation of lawful arrest and self defence evidence to a majority white jury seemed to provide the leeway to acquit them in a society I perceive to be racist. Iā€™m very happy to be proven wrong.

Thereā€™s always gonna be a defence presented even if paper thin.

Itā€™s far from an infallible system though. If there wasnā€™t video evidence of this, or of Rittenhouse itā€™s likely the wrong verdict could have been reached in both cases. Camera doesnā€™t lie thankfully.