US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Change to fox they couldnā€™t be any more critical of trump or the scenes in general

Very measured and statesmanlike. Twitter has blocked people from liking it yet the man giving the speech asking for calm is the Fascistā€¦

Watching that as well. Chris Wallace belongs on cnn.

Every guest they have on is stronger on it than the presenters. Maybe youā€™re calling it wrong?

Heā€™s inciting war. You fucking moron

Big Phil never stood a chance


Please go home is inciting war? Iā€™ll ignore the moron bit, you obviously a little touched if thatā€™s your take on that video

Serious shit when the mentallers are quietened.

What they took away from us.

He should have just said go home without referencing his conspiracy bullshit.

You fucking moron

Might be time to consider the 25th.

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Read this tweet, the reread it again. Slowly.

There it is.

grow up goys this one is done

Why are they being left storm Capitol buildings?

Inciting war? Lie down for yourself

He encouraged people to riot in capitol buildings.

He couldnā€™t help but inflame it in his supposed calm it down speech

The capitol has been taken

The committee meeting is ongoing, thereā€™s been all kinds of ruptions, fellas arenā€™t sure what way to play it so they have sent a harmless sort out to test the waters in the meantime

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Theyā€™re going home mate, they just wanted to make a statement and take a few selfies.
Would you be happier if the cops shot a few of them dead?