US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

What celebrities say matters. They embolden dumb people

The usual suspects will be claiming false flag.

RTE news : Biden calls attack on Pelosi’s husband ‘despicable’

I wonder would the attacker fit any particular stereotype in terms of his beliefs, per chance?

Who’s to say it’s not a disgruntled family member of the beauty studio employee whose life she attempted to ruin after breaking Covid rules that time ?

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Hard credit the depth of the toilet America is currently in

Crazy shit really

Theres some batshit conspiracy theories on twitter. Epstiened is trending. Have an ole look

The UK and the U.S going down the toilet at the same time under scaringly similar circumstances

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Wait till the kids of the tiktok generation get the reins…

Fuck you Whitey

I know the word is thrown around like snuff at a wake these days but Stephen Miller is absolutely 100% a nazi.


A couple of lads here will be taking a rueful look in the mirror before bedtime @Lazarus



The aftermath of this is going to make the aftermath of 2020 look like the teddy bears picnic party

The folks on CNN are downbeat for Democrats hopes based on some exit polls (no polls closed yet)
Is the Don coming back?

You basically can’t win a midterm in the states.

I expect Democrats to lose all the tight senate races. If Herschel Walker beats Raphael Warnock, you have to say there’s an existential problem for the future of democracy in America.

Same with that neanderthal JD Vance beating Tim Ryan in Ohio.

It’s hard to know where democracy goes if people just to want to vote for human bags of shit.


It’s the US mate. They’re fuckin nuts.

All arrows pointing to a long night in store for the usual suspects here alas