US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Will Big Ron do a Mario Cuomo and jib out of the Presidential election race?

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He looks the antithesis of Young boozer

Trump is not done. He’ll still be the candidate in 2024, if he runs and if he’s physically able to be, because he’ll make any opponent a figure of fun in debates. I’d say De Santis is too canny to run against him and will bide his time for 2028. As I’ve said before the ideal would be if De Santis did run against Trump and Trump destroyed him in the way he did to Ted Cruz.

Hopefully the Democrats can hold the senate at least and take the House back in 2024.

The Republicans will only get more crazy.

You heard it first on TFK
A rough night for the headbangers. A great night for President Joe and common decency



Apparently he’s blaming Melania for the Dr Oz nomination :rofl:

Its now or never for DeSantis. Trump is toxic even for Republicans now.

God chose Ron. That should be good enough for the rest of us.

De Santis may well bide his time for another 4 years.

Word is 4 years is a long time in politics


I see. Informative stuff mike.
You’re better than this!

Roe v Wade rescinded has fucked the Republicans. The voting women of the USA have made that clear. DeSantis needs to figure out a way of announcing it’s re-instation as an executive order on becoming President, without announcing it lest he loses the headbangers

The president doesn’t have that power to overturn a SCOTUS decision otherwise Biden would have done it already. It should have been legislated by Congress while Democrats had the majority.

A Presidential executive order would be a statement of intent. DeSantis has no choice

Trump will go again. De Santis risks ruining his career for good if he goes against him. If in the unlikely event he beat Trump in a primary, Trump would likely turn his ire on him and claim a fix. Let it happen. Let them devour each other.

This would be hilarious.

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Democrats wondering how the fuck they won while republicans wonder how the fuck they lost.
If ever anything was fascinating to watch.

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Trump has broke their hearts