US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Wolf is mad for a riot here.See how they sent Paddy in to report on it :grinning:

I remember my auld lad cheering like when david Kelly scored

Fucking give it to the cunts

This is a great account of the day. Worth 7 minutes of your time


Its not nice to laugh at enforcement officers caught in a tough situation they didn’t expect

Harris making a late charge for COTY honours.


I saw another side to my father that night. The most reserved man I know and he standing with fists clenched and roaring “Go on, give it to the bastards, give it to the cunts!” watching the late news when they showed the footage of the Gardaí flaking the shit out of them :laughing:


Yerra I got a few flakes off the shades when I deserved it. I paid my hospitality fee in Henry street and they dropped me home. We both had a laugh

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Yerrah fuck up, I’ve no interest or intention of a row here with you or anyone, I’m just waiting for the riot like everyone else


Eye opening stuff for a young man. Why are they fighting Dad? Because the English are bastards

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Any news on copycat riots in other cities?


Are you expecting this?

Bar Ipads we are truly bequeathing our children the worst of all possible worlds.

This has a couple of feeds from other places

SeattleProtestNetwork - Twitch

Ah life is hard. Teach them right and they’ll be grand

Oh yes. Bigly. I have arranged one for Baltimore via telegram and need to know if it is attracting the news networks


Melania boarding a flight for shannon as we speak. Some lad in Doonbeg tugging himself senseless getting the bed ready

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