US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

agreed. She should not have been there. She was because of Trump

heā€™s afraid to do it on his real username

If only Trumps digital warriors had half the balls of the woman in question he might be more than a footnote in US presidential history

You keep bringing this up. If I have an avatar as a picture of a golf course will it make it all the more real for you?

No shes dead because a police officer did not do his job properly.

The Irish civil servants would probably have set fire to them

Rakes of unarmed people get shot by the police. In most cases the police receive little to no punishment. Every one of those cases is unique and has to be taken on its merits, but the defense that is generally used is that the police canā€™t know that a person is unarmed and that the victim didnā€™t comply with orders from the police to retreat/stop/show their hands etc. Iā€™m sure that will be the defense used in this situation.
The irony of this unfortunate situation is that many of the same people that jump to the defense of the police are now on the other side of the argument.

These are confusing times for the edgelords

Trumps allies are running for the hills

Jonā€™s view a couple of days ago

Wouldnt happen in ireland

:clap: :clap:

Yet more shame for County Clare

Must be gutting for them that they are prevented from joining in with their allies.

Oh well, grunts gonna grunt


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Stephen A has spoken


In fairness theyā€™re not ā€˜overseeing the violenceā€™ there. Thatā€™s before he went on stage. Very fucking annoying the way everything is twisted slightly on both sides. Trump is a big enough cunt on his own without needing to do that.


Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao out the gap.

Her husband will Approve

Bidens had his porridge this morning