US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart


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An assault on the citadel of liberty
An assault on the cradle of democracy
An assault on the rule of law

This is a speech Abraham Lincoln would have been proud of

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Stand up to the Klan
Stand up to Racism
Stand up to domestic terrorism

Pelosi invoking the 25th

A real president on display there a president Murica needs but doesnt deserve

Restoring faith in the USA

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Prediction for Tucker tonight - Joe Biden’s speech has divided the country. Why can’t these radical leftists make more of an effort to understand and be kinder to the ordinary american voter. Any more violence will be because of Joe Biden

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Ah why did he bother saying that even if he’s right?

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Because it needed to be said

Ciao, Chao

you have been providing a great service.

Thanks for sticking with this and investing so many days in the story :clap:

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I’m taking this all the way to The White House

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Incendiary stuff, most un Presidential too. I thought Sleepy Joe was meant to unite the country after the big bad orange? He has just called every law enforcement person who exists a trigger happy racist.

Surely you support a President declaring war on racism?

Reports that it’s more likely than unlikely Trump could face jail at this point

What about some time in the future?